This website is the product of 42 months of extensive,   continuous and on going research. 


The data which substantiates the below theory, is derived from the following research methods:  42 months of continuous and on going, around the clock direct observation;  42 months of continuous and on going, extensive testing & rigorous experimentation; 42 months of continuous and on going, covert and overt investigations and 42 months of continuous and on going nonstop interactions with 1 possibly genetically engineered, new and hitherto unknown, biologically unique and morphologically distinct Scalable, carnivorous parasitic microscopic entities/species. Hereafter this species shall be referred to as species #1. The data also supports that there is at least 1 or more other new and globally invasive species, which shall be referred to as species # 2.  It should be noted that Other than daily observations of Species # 2 orbs in the atmosphere  there is scant data in regard to species # 2.  It should also be noted that the only known facts in regards to the existence of species #2 is that they are an unknown, biologically unique and morphologically distinct Scalable species.  all future references to species number two are inferred assumptions. For instance It is believed that species #2 could be  pilot and crew members of these routinely observed flying orbs. Yet it is also within the realm of possibility that species # 2 could  themselves be these scalable orb shaped objects.  It is also believed that species #2 is superior species #1 in all aspects.  It is also believed that species number 2 is Superior  when compared to human kind in respect to technology and scientific achievements as they exist today. It is also believed that species #1 is subject to the stewardship of species #2 and that species #2  intentionally planted/released massive armies of incalculable swarming hordes of  species #1 into the planet’s biosphere  so as to create and provide species #2 with a biologically renewable, self sustainable    nutritional resource #2. And Is further believe that Species number two is an advanced an extremely elder species. Using Earth as a model it would seem that this species home planet would have a burgeoning population existing on dwindling resources. Again using Earth as a model exploration of any kind is consistently based on a search for resources. It is this galactic quest for resources is assumed to be the reason and purpose which provided the impetus for species # 2 to expend the extravagant resources necessary to undertake the exploration of our galaxy and the subsequent dimensional travel to and colonization of our planet.  This theory is the only logical explanation for species number two having orchestrated this sinister   unprovoked covert and yet to be detected Invasion , assimilated occupation, complete subjugation and wanton continuous predation on all of planetary life forms.

Today the data demonstrates that species #1 currently exist as a massive, ever present, iridescent, haze-like global presence.  The data identifies species number one to be a detrimental and dangerous new species.  The data  further demonstrates that species number one has achieved an unheard of infected saturation rate of the global population, that appears to hover around, at or very near that of 98%.

The data reveals that this planet is enveloped in haze of sophisticated, blend-in-plain- sight by billions upon billions of  detection resistant, wholly detrimental Species #1.  And there is a reasonable inference in the data identfies the existent of an even more clever, sinister and sophisticated, detection resistant, Superior species and that species is responsible for the unleashing of species #1 And that would be species #2


The data  derived from the body of research listed above, clearly, succinctly and invariably substantiates the fact that our planet and all things upon it, including ourselves, have been invaded and are currently and thoroughly occupied by at least 2 or more, hitherto unknown and biologically separate and utterly unique entities, Species #1. anf species #2. 

This website is purposed with  the achievement of two objectives.

OBJECTIVE #1 Educating the public at large, as to the sudden appearance in the biosphere, within the last 400 years, of the dominating presence of at least 1 but most likely 2 strange and utterly new entities, Species #1 and possibly  Species #2.


To provide the public with instructions and practical common sense examples detailing, various means and methods,  which can be utilized to verify or dispute the existence of this creature, Species #1.

 These instructions will include information  and examples demonstrating methods to build tools and/or equipment from household materials, which can be used to trap, and observe this new and strange parasitic entity.

This website will demonstrate that the material needed to complete these means, methods and tools are  inexpensive to acquire and are easy to build.  They are also easy to operate and will provide anyone with the scientific knowledge,  ability and opportunity to  determine for themselves, if Species #1 is actual and if so, does Species #1  exhibit strange and utterly unique abilities as detailed in the  theory below.  This information will allow anyone the ability to find the truth. All of which can be accomplished in the privacy of your home or anywhere you choose.  The information and examples will provide each of anyone with a roadmap to ground breaking discoveries and eye opening experimentation.  The result of which will provide anyone with the  opportunity to confirm or  disprove for  themselves,  if  the existence of Species #1 and it's set of unique traits, are real or not.  



The genesis of this research and the source of this theory, is manifest in a quest to discover, verify and expose the existence of an hitherto unknown and undetected human parasite.  The goal of this  project was to obtain proof that the existence of this undetected parasite was actual and would be found nesting on and around 0the human body and possibly and feeding on human blood. 

The facts  available at the start of this research Project , were those collected from various studies and medical reports numbering in the tens of thousands. These reports were submitted by healthcare practitioners from countries scattered around the globe.  Each of these reports cited cases where patients  complained of being afflicted with a mysterious undetected infection. Basically these reports and the subsequent studies investigating the widespread claims found in these reports, identified  subjects/patients who  complained to their doctor, of suffering from an unseen and undetected infection.  One of the unifying symptoms of this mysterious infection, was the fact that many of those afflicted  complained of experiencing strange unexplained tactile  sensations.  These sensations  caused those patients to believe that there was some invisible thing or things crawling or otherwise moving on their skin, especially the skin on and around their face.  These complaints were generated by tens of thousands of unrelated and disconnected people.  One of the mysterious disconcerting aspects inherent in these patient reports are the fact that these patients shared little to no unifying factors. Each of these came from different backgrounds, hailing from all walks of life, had no common factors, spoke an assortment of different languages and lived in varied and dissimilar locations, all of which are found to be unconnected and randomly scattered around the globe.    There are other even more bizarre aspects and equally strange symptoms associated with and supporting  these claims. As an example, one of the strange symptoms  which is found to be universal among these reports and is one of the many contributing factors, which stitch together this supposedly, disparate hodgepodge of global complainants,   into an actual concise and comprehensive,  homogeneous group. This strange symptom is reflected in the inexplicable existence of a myriad of fibers. The strange unifying factor is defined by the fact that all of these subjects complained of the existence and inexplicable appearance  and findings of an array of unexplained and strangely situated fibers. These near universally  found fibers are of various size and color and  are inexplicably  located on, protruding from and/or embedded in, the skin of these patients. Yet there exist a more striking and blatantly universally strange aspect and unifying condition, which rightly cements this group of cases together.   This strange and unifying conditional aspect that is universally applied to these cases can be found in the statistically improbable 100% universal, across the board, lack of any confirmed diagnostic findings of infection.  The mathematically odd fact is that there was not one finding of infection among this group of patients by their doctor or health care professional.  This strange zero finding equates to an improbable statistical  anomaly of 0 out of 100%.    The creation of this statistical anomaly exists in the fact that, despite the insistence of an overwhelming majority of these patients that they  believed with  a certainty, that they were afflicted with an undetected parasitic infection, remarkably each and every one of these patients, who, again, number in the tens of thousands, each invariably failed to convince their doctor or health practitioners that they were suffering from any sort of infection at all.  In fact each doctor or healthcare practitioner failed to confirm a single finding of any sort of infection. Matter of fact many of these healthcare professionals insisted that their patients were suddenly suffering a from of isolated  delusion such as parasitosis. Which basically translates to “feeling things that aren’t there”.  The use of the word isolated it's not a clinical term but is merely included to reflect the fact that these patients were not delusional in any other aspect of their lives. The majority of these patients that normal healthy lives minus that one delusional aspect. This concept of delusion being isolated to one subject or aspect in a patient's life is without precedence in the history of a mental health and the validity of which should seriously be re-examined. But I digress, factual point is this inexplicable  100% lack of findings  equates to a curiously unusual and highly improbable statistical reality.  It is a mathematically odd fact, that among a group of complaints which number in the tens of thousands, there was not a single finding by any of the at least, thousands of healthcare practitioners,   confirming the existence of any type of infection.  This universal finding of 100% lack of infection, results in a highly improbable, statistical anomaly, which equates to a  statistical ratio of zero out of tens of thousands or 0/100%.

In the U.S.A. the prevalence of this mysterious condition is commonly referred to as Morgellons.

Being afflicted, the genesis of this project began as research into the identification of the causative infectious agent responsible for a set of a set of symptoms attributed to Morgellon infection.  It was the early discovery of the existence of a hard to detect, causative agent responsible not only for the symptoms of Morgellons. It was the discovery of this scalable microscopic entity which unexpectedly led to a series of shocking and utterly new and unique and discoveries.  The  research revealed that  the causative agent was in fact a often visible but scalable entity. Although this entity is  does exist on the human body in microscopic form, it employs its  scalable abilities to exist throughout the body and all aspects of the environment, in relatively large visible congregations. This species exercise stealth and it’s uncanny ability to mimic the byproducts of human activity to exist in plain open veiw by blending into the background, appearing as an assortment of specks of dirt and/or bits of debris. It was these and other never before encountered abilities which identified this entity as an extremely hard to detect, previously unknown parasite.  Continuous observation of this parasite and it’s unusual ability to exist on the body in forms that are simultaneously and interchangeably visible and invisible to the naked eye. Observation further revealed that this entity possessed a skill set or a set of biological traits which identity this entity as utterly unique and completely unusual. The existence of this  genealogically unique species and it’s slew of never before encountered abilities/traits identified this species to be the sole causative agent responsible for all the symptoms normally associated with Morgellon’s.  Further the data strongly indicates that this never before encountered, hitherto unknown and undetected species is also  the most likely causative agent responsible for sudden collapse of honey bee colonies worldwide, as well as the most likely factor responsible for the occurrence of the unexplained acceleration in the expected progression of incidents related to global warming.  To summarize, the data reflects that this species  exists as a pervasive, infinitely scalable,  uncommonly detection resistant, ultra insidious, extremely exploitive, super sensory manipulative, highly destruction resistant, on and off host, Endo- and exoparasite. The data further confirms that this new species is the sole causitive agent of Morgellons and are most likely the ultra illusive causative agent responsible for the unexplained phenomena perceived as honey bee colony collapse and accelerated global warming. This mysteriously illusive, suspected triple causative agent, is hereafter referred to as species #1.  Constant  observation and the dedicated study of Species #1, then  unexpectedly led to the discovery of another even harder to detect, previously unknown Species. That Species  is hereafter referred to as Species #2.   After the  early discovery of Species #1, a decision was made to expand the scope of this research, to include efforts to discover and Identify the lifecycle of Species #1 and to discover and Identify methods and/or means, to effect its removal and/or extermination. Unfortunately the former has proven to be to be within the realm of achievable but the latter has proven to be much more difficult to accomplish than the former. This research included  numerous  prolonged attempts to  eradicate Specie #1.  Unfortunately each of those attempts resulted in abject failure. This failure rate is so dismal that it is  feared that the data would serve to possibly discourage others from seeking innovative endeavors  at eradication. Therefore this failed eradication data has  been excluded from the below theory.


The data  identifies the fact that our air, worldwide is thoroughly contaminated with species # 1 and Species #2.

Close examination of the surface area air  will reveal that the air from sea level  continuing up well beyond the far reaches of the lower  atmosphere, is saturated and teeming with immense hordes of free flying Species #1 and examples of Species #2.

The data reveals that Species #1 is actively continuously engaged in the infectious parasitic plaguing of humankind and other mammals. Features of this infectious parasitic plague, by species #1 is identified by the fact that Species #1vis engaged in continuous  predation and wanton,   yet to be detected infection of  humans. This infections is accomplished and identified by the existence on the skin of the body, of untold legions of swarming, scalable versions of species #1. The data demonstrates that Species #1 exist in a lifecycle that includes 4 known stages, all of which will be found existing in a thin film covering the entire human body. Species #1 members will be found in various stages of its known 4 stage lifecycle.  The data identified species #1 lifecycle stages to be as follows:  Stage 0 Species #1 females laying a field of dull white or opaque color eggs in a series of parallel lines. The Species #1 females prefer locations that are shaded and protected from direct sources of light. Stage 1, is achieved after adult males blanket The field of  eggs and initiate fertilization. Within minutes of fertilization,  Stage 2 microscopic hatchlings emerge.  These stage 2  hatchlings appear as bright white: clumps, spots stains, tiny pillars, lint and tiny pieces of fuzz when in visible congregations. Once these Stage 2 hatchlings receive a blood meal they transform into Stage 3 Juveniles which appear to range from yellow to beige in color, when in visible congregations. Once these Stage 3 Juveniles receive a second blood meal they either move to or are ferried to a location where they are exposed to a source of light energy of sufficient intensity to initiate the stage 3 juveniles maturation to microscopic Stage 4 Adults which in transition may first appear as light green in visible congregations, but once  maturation is complete Species #1 adults males appear in visible congregations as blue to very dark blue and/or almost black color.  Species #1 adult females The data demonstrates Species #1 adult females only  appear in visible congregations when in liquids. In liquids Species #1 females appear as clear or off white, bubbles, circles and/or possibly orbs.

It should be noted that the  data also reveals another unique trait or unusual ability displayed by Species #1 is the fact Species #2 adults possess  the unique ability to mine, capture, store, transport, deliver and feed human and other mammalian blood to incalculable multitudes of off-host offspring existing at untold billions of locations around the world.  These species number one blood bearers appear to store and transport the blood in a net of translucent containers. And water the appear to be various shades of red and sponge, on The human body they appear as small pieces of red debris, spots of wet and dry blood, on putty they appear as  light red almost pink to dark red almost black splotches. In the air or in the Atmosphere they appear as red or pink tinted clouds, on the ocean they appear as a red sheen on the water surface, in  bay waters they're usually  appear as red stain or a red spongy fungus and an attempt to stay covertly unnoticed these species #1 bloodbearers are usually found on the bottom of shore rocks on rocks.

The most interesting fact  revealed by the data is the fact that it demonstrates species #1 adult males to be dedicated communal parents and Master logisticians. It is appearant that lives of the adult male evolves around a system  dedicated to the communal nurturing, protecting, shuttling, caring and preparing for their offspring. These species #1 also device, implement, and maintain an extremely sophisticated and inconceivably complex and unbelievably vast transportation network devoted to shuttling offspring to better locations and to Ensure access to and from locations where they can mine, store and make blood meals available for the delivery system to load and transport.  This network actively and consistently completes  delivery of blood meals and feeding  offspring  on land, in the upper and lower atmosphere, in the ocean, in lakes, rivers, Salt flats, deserts,  mountains, forest,  Arctic and Antarctic. This also includes delivery to and feeding of those  offspring existing  in our living in workspaces and The multitude of offsprings existing flying in the interior air and swaning yon all indoor surfaces, at all indoor locations.

Massive numbers of  Species #1 members will be found existing all over every aspect of the human body. Species #1 females have established preferred nest sites on the human body.  These preferred nest sites include but are not limited to the ear canal, nasal passages, mouth, anus, hands, head.  In the  environment  species #1 will be found existing on the surface of all objects, in massive number as compiled dindividual lifecycles stages or in mixtures representing each of the 4 stages of its lifecycle.  The data demonstrates that on the human body including in and around it's preferred mimi-nest sites Species #1 adults excavate hair follicles and pores to create more space for egg laying and to expose a fresh source of blood for thee soon to be hatchlings. As the Species #1 females begin to lay eggs in the excavated hair follicle base  the males immediately fertilize the eggs as soon the eggs are laid.  Along with the folicol opening the species #1 females also coat the strand of hair with eggs or in the case of faux hair the females then fill the fake hair with eggs and then the females also coat the outside of the faux hair with eggs. The adult males  fertilize the eggs in succession from the bottom up and as the hatchlings emerge and feed on the fresh wound created by the excavation of the pore or hair follicle. As those hatchlings at the bottom level begin stage 3 transistion, they are ferried out by adult males to  locations where they will be exposed to a source of direct light.  Once exposed to direct light species number one offspring utilize some unknown mechanism related to their biology or inherent in their relationship with electromagnetic radiation energy or both to Provide the  component necessary to complete their maturation and provide all of them or perhaps some of them with the ability of flight. Simultaneously those hatchlings remaining in the faux hair and/or on the faux or actual hair,  will drop down filling the void. Once filled those remaining and/or emerging  hatchlings are shuttled by adult males to locations where feeding sites are available or where off-host feed procedures are engaged.  The drop down hatchlings having consumed the equivalent of two blood meals are shuttled off to the direct light locations as the next set hatchlings drop in and immediately begin feeding on their first blood meal.  These hatchlings  continues to feed through their second blood meal at which point those   hatchlings are then ferried away to locations where they will be exposed to a direct source of light completing their maturation into swarms of flying and possibly some may mature into swarms of crawling adults. This process repeated by species #1 on all hairs on the human body.   Yet this process is not restricted to follicles and pores, on the contrary this process continues in countless locations on and  in every skin covered feature of the human body without pause, 24 hours a day 365 days of the year.

The data demonstrates that Species #1 are endowed with, among other strange and exotic abilities, the extremely unique ability to scale or reduce or increase their visible unit size at will, from macroscopic to microscopic  scale and vice versa.

The data further demonstrates that Species #1 are also endowed with, among other strange and exotic abilities,  the extremely unique ability to morph many into one and one into many at will.  This unique ability provides this species the ability to change both size and shape at will.   These abilities along with species #1’s use of iridescence, all  work together to make species #1 an ultra hard to detect species.  This extremely high detection resistant trait of species #1 remains valid and true for all lifecycles and for all members regardless if are crawling, flying, existing on the human body or if they exist at off host locations in the environment.  The data reveals that Species #1 will be found, on almost all  human bodies,  existing in an infinite array of sizes ranging from the invisible single microscopic individual species members, to highly visible, but difficult to detect,  macroscopic congregations of Species #1 members. These congregations will appear to the untrained eye, as mundane by products of human biology or human activity.  These mundane by products can appear as, but are not limited to, specks of dirt, stains, dry skin, random pieces of debris, dried and moist mucus, ear wax, dandruff, particles of dust, all types of ash, never ending dirt buildup under fingernails, skin plaque, skin freckles, pimples, infectious blisters, scabs,  dried and moist blood, bruised skin, black, iridescent white, tan, red, blue and opaque color strands of fibers and/or as well as fibers of various color and length.  In the environment the countless multitudes of off-host  species #1 members are found to be everywhere and literally on every surface.  Species #1 is the only creature on this planet that can exist, reproduce, thrive and transit to and from the following environments:  frozen water,  submerged in fresh water and submerged  in sea water, on the surface of all water, swarming on the surface of all land objects and/or existing as colossal flying cloud size swarms.  The data supports that Species #1 members appear to be engaged in successful reproduction, and lifecycle processes including caring, feeding, and ensuring that their offspring survives to achieve maturation.  In doing so these species number one members appear to be not only surviving but thriving in all those usually incompatible environments. 

Colossal swarms of Species #1 numbers manage to accomplish   reproduction and child rearing while continually engaged in nonstop flight. This flying reproduction and child  rearing is continuously accomplished by species #1  members existing throughout the lower and upper atmosphere.

Off-host species #1 members exist in an infinite numbers and in an array of sizes. This array exists  within a range from swarming invisible single microscopic individual species #1 members, to highly visible, but difficult to detect, colossal clouds of iridescent macroscopic congregations of huge morphed, eagle sized flying species #1 members.

Off-host species #1 members exist on every surface everywhere.  Including but not limited to, our homes, work spaces and all features of ourbexterior  environments. In these all these spaces  every surface and the air we breathe exist in a haze of  examples of species #2  and multitudes of iridescent hard but not impossible to detect, Species #1 members. These species #1 members will be observed while in flight, to be progressing through the various stages of their known 4 stage lifecycle.

Another of the extremely unusual  identifying features of a Species #1 infection is the finding of untold numbers of synthetic, organic, and species created strands of hairs and fibers. The majority of these hairs and fibers exist as a hard to detect matrix of translucent strands, ranging   from 1 nn’s, to 10 cm’s in length and are found plastered to, embedded in and/or resting on every square centimeter of skin on the human body.  The data demonstrates species #1 members also employ the use of real organic and an inorganic fibers and hairs rendered from the environment as in antenna to facilitate flight or as a means to facilitate transportation. The vast number of these strands of hair and fiber can be found in various lengths, diameters and in a  variety of colors.  These strange populations of strands include a mixture of hairs from animal fur, human hair and Species created faux hairs.  All of which can be found to be located on, protruding from and/or embedded in human skin.  Another feature of Species #1 infection is the finding of numerous unexplained small scabs, scrapes, bruises, cuts, bites, scratches and scars. Each of these are wounds or the result of wounds which are or were inflicted undetected by Species #1 members as a means to sate their endless  need to feed human blood to a massive burgeoning on and off-host global population.

Yet the most unusual aspect of infection by Species #1 is its creation and construction over the skin of those infected, of an undetected, iridescent opaque white, extremely durable, protective armor shell.  This armor exist as thin layers of real and species created fibers cemented in a paste like material of unknown  composition. This alien created shell appears to be microscopically constructed  by Species #1 on the surface of human skin.  The data indicates that species number one have most likely  created and applied this shell on the skin or fur of all mammals.   This protective armor shell appear to be constructed of hundreds of thousands of species created fibers. Those fibers are not created are rendered from the environment.  The data supports that all fibers and hairs not created on host are delivered to the body in a continuous bombardment by flying species number one members . These fibers are secured to skin with some kind of species created paste like substance of unknown composition.  minute species members which appear as dust or constantly bombarding the human body with natural artificial and species created fibers. These fibers are used to repair, maintain and expand the network  of fibers. This false skin exist over the actual skin of humans and appear to be reinforced with the application and impalement of translucent, species created, barbed stakes. These barbed stakes appear to be driven through the network of embedded fibers and continuing through the overlapped layers of  and can be found to terminate embedded in the epidermis   of the infected.  The  creation and application of these protective layers of fibers collectively formulate an extremely unusual, highly protective substance. This substance completely covers the infected body, with a highly durable species created armor shell.  This armored shell is observed to be composed of layer upon chainmail layer of incalculable numbers of protective fibers. Each of these protective layers include fibers that exist as complete circuits consisting of multiple passes. These circuits appear to connect each fiber to every other fiber. The result of which is a maze of connections within every the shell layer to a maze of connections within every other shell layer. These cell fibers are found to be mostly composed of fibers produced by Species #1. Yet the shell  itself is found  to also include and it's composition a myriad of fibers and hairs rendered from the environment. The data further supports that the matrix of fibers that contribute to shell composition, are utilized by Species #1 as a sophisticated and advanced transportation network and expansive storage systems within the secure confines of its protective shell. The data further supports the protruding stakes are used as a means to enter and exit the shell.  The data further supports that Species #1 employs the use of hairs and fibers as l antennas which when exposed to  some unknown mechanism of light appear to facilitate  Species #1 maturation and the ability and energy to achieve flight.

As stated the data demonstrates that the armor shell appears to be species constructed   with the application of a unique but unknown composition of possibly organic materials. What is known are these facts, the shell material has  interesting features. It is ultra durable, temperature resistant, ultra lightweight, and is invisible to the naked eye. The data identifies that   the Species #1 adult males construct the shell to protect and shelter  their offspring and to facilitate the species enormous need to maintain continuous uninterrupted feeding, blood gathering and blood transportation activities. The data demonstrates that it is the nature of Species #1 to protect, nurture feed, and shuttle their on and off host offspring. This hands on parenting begins with the emergence of stage 2 hatchlings and continues until the offspring achieve maturation into stage 4 adults. No where is this parental dedication more apparent than within the confines of the protective shell.  Those offspring living within the shell are subjected what appears to be a frenzy of constant shuttling.  Stage 2 hatchings are continually shuttled in as stage 3 Juveniles are constantly shuttled out and placed in protective sacks on unprotected surface areas of the skin that will expose those stage 3 juveniles to a light source with enough energy to power  the completion of their maturation process into flight able adults.  Basically the shell is used by Species #1 as a protective skin or barrier to shelter and safeguard  species members,  especially their offspring from detrimental exposure to the elements and any intentional and/or unintentional actions which would otherwise, result in their microscopic  species members suffering  detrimental removal from or the obstruction of access to, host feeding grounds.  The data demonstrates that experiments targeting the removal of this protective shell, by aggressively  scrubbing areas of skin with a variety of objects ranging from sand paper to steel wool, saturated with a variety of chemicals from soap to acetone yielded negative results. The data further demonstrates that the shell  not only   survived but it survived intact. These experimental attempts were undertaken without water and during prolonged, showering and bathing activities. These removal experiments were conducted in water temperatures tap cold to extremely hot.  The data demonstrates that the shell  survived every attempt completely intact. It is possible  that the shell may have incurred damage, if so then the  species managed to quickly repair the  damage to the shell as the damage was taking place.

The existence of this iridescent protective armored shell cannot be observed with the unaided eye. But close examination, at high magnification, of the infected skin, will reveal this iridescent opaque, protective shell speckled with incidents of color, as well as the existence of tens of thousands of theses translucent hair-like stakes protruding out of the skin and raising through and above the protective shell.  Inside this armor cocoon of protective cells, reside an ever changing population of millions of Species #1, adults, stage 2 hatchling and stage 3 juvenile  offspring.  These adults and offspring are constantly observed to be engaged the in feeding on human blood flowing from a myriad of undetected fresh, small and shallow wounds,  inflicted by Species #1 adults to accomplish the  constant supply of fresh blood available to fulfill the nutritional needs of the species.  The data demonstrates that these species inflicted wounds can be found to be located throughout the epidermis of the infected body.  Simultaneously other species #1 adults are  observed to be engaged in the acquisition and transportation of human blood from the host to those species members existing at off host locations..

Although this protective shell can be found to exist on all human bodies,  by use of some unknown spectrum of iridescence the shell cannot be seen with the unaided eye. The data demonstrates that this shell can be seen with the use of a cell phone camera held at a 22-33 degree angle, set at the highest zoom that provides the best resolution.  The data further demonstrates when viewing through the camera or other magnification device. The data demonstrates that regardless of the color or tone of the persons skin,  when viewed as outlined above, the protective shell will cause the skin to appear pale white, with incidents   speckled with color and patches of bright white. The data also demonstrates that the skin may also appear as a mosaic composed of blue, green, tan, and red nodules. The data further infers that Species #1 utilize the protruding translucent stakes as exit and entry ports. The data demonstrates that Species #1 maintains and utilize a special relationship with synthetic, organic and species created strands. This Special relationship extends to the use of strands as antennas to facilitate flight, bridges, tunnels elevators, surplus housing stock, trains, buses, ferry’s, boats, rafts and as a species filled fuselage during flight.  The data demonstrates that the most prominent use of this Special relationship includes, but is not limited to, the utilization of strands of human hair, Species created faux hair, hair from animal fur,  species created fibers and fibers from human formites, including but not limited to those fibers rendered from apparel, bedding and bathing accessories, etc.. Species #1 has been observed to consistently and extensively utilize the above listed strands to  efficiently, enhance and  covertly expand the capacity of on host populations.  many factors above the human body’s infection detection  threshold by reducing the number of species dependent shuttle movements through the enhancement of the capacity of it’s shuttle systems.  Basically species number one has engage the special relationship with fibers to increase the capacity of its transportation network while reducing the number of  movements required to move x amount of species members, especially offspring to desired destinations. Species #1  manages to accomplish this increase while reducing, through the creation and utilization of fibers of strands of human hair, Species created faux hair, hair from animal fur,  species created fibers and fibers from human formites, including but not limited to those fibers rendered from apparel, bedding and bathing accessories, etc., to function as a species  equivalent of a mass transit system. Species number one is able to accomplish a mass transit system through the creation and maintenance of  extremely sophisticated aeronautical  and nautical transportation system. The aeronautical system involves adult species number #1 males attaching themselves to  fibers filled and/or covered with species members especially species offspring and then flying those fibers to on host locations. On arrival above these on host locations the adult males release the fibers to fall on the host, as  gently as particles of dust.

The preferable locations for The release of these fibers are the human head and/or hands.  Should either of these locations become unavailable due   capacity limits or other species related factors, then the piloting species adult males will release the member filled fibers at random locations as close to the head and hands as practical. Should the landing be on clothing or skin species members flying man-made fibers then Will disembark and abandon the fiber and leave it for out going flights and the adults will shuttle  offspring  to locations within the Shell or the adult males will cause the fiber to submerge into the shell where it will barely penetrate the skin. This action simultaneously creates  housing and a fresh food source for the newly acquired offspring. Should the species members fly in and on species created fibers that are released on clothing then some adult members will shuttle the offspring to locations within the shell while other adult members break down the fiber causing it to disappear. Should the release land on skin then adult species members will cause the fibers to submerge into the shell where it will barely penetrate the skin. This action simultaneously creates  housing and a fresh food source for the newly acquired offspring.   Species number one has also developed a sophisticated nautical transportation system through the utilization of its special relationship with bubbles. This Special relationship is exemplified that Species #1 adult members  have been observed to create bubbles on any wet or dry surface.  Adult Species #1 members have consistently been observed piloting created and commandeer or Bubbles and/or small pieces of debris for the purpose of seeking out, gathering and rescuing units lacking a charge, including those suspended in fluids and those stranded on surfaces. The ability to organize and utilize charged units for the creation of tools especially bubbles to transport gathered uncharged units suspended in fluids to the surface so as to expose them to light energy allowing them  a means for all colors to transmute a and gas off


The ability to utilize tools such as Smart Bubbles, Smart Smoke or Smart Steam as a means to transport those stranded uncharged units on a surface to a source of electromagnetic radiation or to a location where there would be a more likely chance for them to encounter a source of electromagnetic radiation Species #1 have employed the use of Other methods in which fibers are utilized to to accommodate the sophisticated transportation Network and efficiently, enhance and  covertly expand the capacity of on host populations by   many factors above the detection level threshold is found in the utilization of strands of hair and fiber as surplus housing stock. This surplus housing stock is composed of body hair, Species created and implanted hollow hairs and fibers. The utilization of a mass transit system to facilitate the logistics necessary to relocate and feed surplus Species members from varied on and/or off host locations to inhabit the myriad of on host available natural, organic, synthetic and created strands of surplus housing stock. The movement and feeding of surplus Species members is restricted to dead and undetectable housing strand. the base of these surplus housing strands serve as a cafeteria for Those surplus members housed in that strand. Until needed or species related task the movements of surplus members are strand restricted. Strand restricted movements include traversing interior and/or  exteriors contours of the strand and any movements from strand to strand to accomplish species related task especially the task the shuttling offspring provided these strand to strand movements do not involve any form of contact with the skin and,/or scalp of the host  The utilization of strands to  achieve undetected capacity increases in transportation and housing provides Species #1 the ability to greatly increase  the undetected population capacity to untold factors above that which would normally trigger infection detection  processes.   

The research data reveals little about  Species #2, other than the fact that it appears, that they are an advanced, superior species, they are direct consumers, tactical beneficiaries and stewards of species #1, they are indirect consumers of human and other mammalian blood, they exist in mass as particles of fog, a fog or haze moving along the ground and over and through brush, bushes, shrubs as a cloud, as cloud, haze covering trees and near light emitting interior features of homes, stores,   offices, warehouses and buildings.. Although they maintain a constant and ubiquitous presence,  Species #2  cannot be detected with the unaided eye, they are able to morph both shape and size,    they construct strange dimensional circles which are believed to be some sort of observation portals and/or transportation portals. These portals vary in size from colossal to microscopic.  In the atmosphere these portals are found to be constantly deployed in random locations over major urban areas, and they seem to appear and disappear as needed. Species #2 members and their portals can also be found at night Using photographic equipment, in the trees, brush  and among the general open space, around well lit waterways. Using photographic equipment  these portals can also be found sitting by the hundreds, angled side by side on the branches of trees and/or bushes.  It is assumed that these portals provide Species #2 with ability to covertly feed on Species #1  and also act as a means to covertly  observe and learn about any and everything, including but not limited to, the planet, our countries, our cities and selective  individuals.  These portals have been observed comfortably traveling and maintaining speeds exceeding hundreds of miles an hour,  for a period lasting over an hour, outside the window of a jet aircraft in mid flight.

The data infers and It is assumed that species #2 is the advanced species, who arrived on, or at our planet laden with stores of species #1 on board.  It is further assumed that Species #2 utilized Species #1 as a sustainable, regenerating food source with a reserve to be used as a covert terraforming apparatus.  As soon as Species #2 discovered a suitable planet, then they would release this reserve of Species #1 into  the sky of unsuspecting planet.  At first glance it would seem that our planet proved suitable and that Species #2  released Species #1 with the sole intention of creating a sustainable, regenerating, terraformed  food supply.   The data further infers that upon its release in the biosphere, Species #1 would naturally act  in the best interest of its survival.  Finding themselves suddenly free and oblivious to the goals and stewardship of Species #2, Species #1 would  immediately began to satisfy its biological needs to feed and reproduce. to sate those needs, Species #1 would immediately begin to prey on and infect any and all blood baring creatures. This would especially and specifically include the infection of humans and consuming massive amounts of human blood.    The data further infers that the successful undetected covert release of Species #1, signifies that Species #2 have proven themselves to be highly intelligent beings, who should be considered to be  sophisticated and shrewd strategist. As such, It is logical to assume that Species #2 had more than 1 purpose for the release of Species #1. It is logical to assume that Species #2 released Species #1 not only to act and  function as a form of extra terrestrial cattle, released to graze upon humanity and other mammals, like so many blades of grass, but also to achieve 4 major tactical advantages. The fact is the success of the  simple covert release of species #1 into the cloud system allowed Species #2 to also covertly achieve 4 major and currently insurmountable tactical advantages. These tactical advantages are significant and necessary to impose and maintain a continued and successful occupation. The achievement of procuring these 4 advantages will almost ensure the success of their invasion, and greatly enhance the possibilities of  longevity, becoming a prominent feature of Species #1’s  covert occupation  and Species #2 constant observation of our planet, as well as the prolonged, undetected covert infection and subjugation of ourselves. 


PRIMARY ADVANTAGE Primary advantage of the release of Species #1 was the undetected  creation of a self sustainable, regenerating food Supply.

SECONDARY ADVANTAGE The secondary advantage of  the release of Species #1 was the creation in the biosphere of a perfect Buffer Species.  As a buffer Species, species #1 would unknowingly become the primary consumer  of mammalian blood by simply acting in the best interest of its survival, once released, it would covertly feed on the only available food source, humans and other mammals.  Species #2 then becomes the secondary consumer of our blood by covertly preying on Species #1. Species #2 is essentially  benefiting from the theft of our blood without directly getting its hands dirty, by committing any of the thefts.  The buffer Species provides Species #2 the advantage of indirectly gaining nourishment from  predation of and consumption  of blood from humans and other mammals, while insulating itself from any risk of exposure, and retaliatory actions which are an inherent  possibility whenever a primary parasitic species comes in repeated and prolonged or continuous direct contact with a host species.  The reasoning behind the need for a buffer species is to insulate the secondary consumer from the dangers and possibilities of exposure that is part and parcel to feeding on a host, who is  already experiencing constant nest building, egg laying, and the shuttling of offspring. Should these activities alert the host and the buffer species be detected and exposed, the  buffer Species is poised to receive all the blame. And is this case remarkable fact of the existence of a new Species such as Species #1 and the logical pursuit of discovering its extra terrestrial abilities would hopefully consume the  attention of the host species and would not give cause for the host Species to look for any other antagonist.  As an example, grass would assign sole blame to the cattle for relentlessly feeding on them, because the reality is the fact that grass could not and would not conceive of apportioning blame to the  rancher. Even though the rancher is the responsible party. Being it is the rancher who placed  the cattle in the field of grass for  feeding purposes.  The  grass cannot conceive of the rancher’s liability, because there is no nexus or direct link between the actions of the rancher and the cattle’s eating of the grass. In this scenario we would be the grass, and Species #1 would be the cattle and Species #2 would be the rancher that we would never look for.


TERTIARY ADVANTAGE Advantage we should 1st consider the overwhelming success of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This is because they are living proof that, on this planet, size really does matter.  Since the beginning of time, our planet  has shown favor to all things small and provided small entities with and ecosystem geared for microscopically small things to not only survive, but to thrive.  It would seem that Species #2 chose the perfect planet to unleash its stores of microscopic Species #1. The advantage of that unleashing can be found in  the fact that individual adult members of Species #1, seem to be considerably sub-microscopic in size. The data demonstrates that individual members of Species #1 must be smaller than a molecule of water and may very well be the size of or smaller than an oxygen atom.  The advantage of their micro size is their ability to attach themselves to water molecules   And simply flow undetected as contaminated water to points where the water is consumed, absorbed and/or evaporated.  When we consume water, prepared foods, fruits and vegetables, we also consume copious numbers of micro size   Species #1. This contaminated water enters the digestive tract and then travels metabolically throughout the tissue, organs and cells of the human body. This process is repeated in plants as contaminated water travels to and through the cells of plants.  The Data demonstrates that Species #1 can survive all bodily processes, including digestion and respiration. Species #1 has been observed to accomplish the infiltration and assimilation into the living flesh and most likely the cells walls of plants and animals, including  the flesh, cell walls, bone, and bone marrow of humans and other mammals.


The universal obsolescence of current military powers.  Although the research did not venture into military response it would seem to be a fair estimate that Conventional armaments and armies of any nation appear ill equipped and ill prepared to wage war on a microscopic level.

The reveals that Species #1 are everywhere in the environment and at ground level, the air is thick with Species #1. The data clearly demonstrates that just the act of breathing deposits members of Species #1 the lungs and respiratory tract and as stated the data also clearly demonstrates that the the food and water supplies are contaminated once digested, it appears that Species #1 females remain in the body and immediately begin to lay eggs in protective sacks that survive the body’s internal processes, the males fertilize those eggs, and it is assumed based on test with fruits, vegetables and cooked and uncooked poultry, that  species members, begin the process shuttling the stage 3 juveniles to well lit locations outside the body. It’s not within the purview of this project to determine what outcome this activity would result in. But it should be noted that the large presence of these foreign bodies, committing all these acts  should trigger a slew of immune system responses, instead Species #1 remain active and completely undetected by a bevy of human and non human immune systems. The facts are Species #1 has  been found Living and breeding, not only in the water and/or any other liquids,  we drink, they have also been found living, breeding and thriving in every fruit and vegetable tested. The result of all that, is the fact that Species #1 are as much a part of you, as the breakfast you ate or the beverage you drank, this morning. Which is the function of the 3rd  and 4th tactical advantages. Simply put the fact is, as it stands today, we cannot totally destroy species #1 without destroying ourselves. There are so many other tactical advantages to being microscopically small that must be considered. Second to having to destroy ourselves to rid the planet of Species #1, would be the unacceptable reality facing our agriculture industry.  Again it would be impossible to eradicate Species #1 without destroying untold seasons of crops worldwide, and most likely multiple years of the planet’s entire stock of farm animals,  livestock and wildlife. This would have devastating and unthinkable extinction level consequences for humanity.

The data implies that Species #2 accomplished the above tactical advantages and the creation of a sustainable, regenerating food supply, through the contamination of the water supply. The data suggest that Species #2  accomplished this action utilizing a combination of real and artificial  clouds to cover   the covert  movements of their craft across the sky, shrouded in the iridescent light spectrum of electromagnetic radiation and  maintaining a position within the sun’s glare, Species #2 covertly propagated  global saturation of infectious agent Species #1 through the release of countless numbers of the microscopic entity into the planets cloud system. Species #1 then  entered the clouds water vapor, instantly bonding with the water molecules until the combined weight of the contaminated vapor triggered a downpour. Then species #1 and most likely microscopic versions of species #2  simply fell on our unsuspecting planet as contaminated rain.  Species #1 and Species #2, both seem to function within their respective species, as if they utilize a high level species wide or collective communication process and Species #1 demonstrates a hive and/or  superorganism-like structure all or which endows them to coordinate extremely high speed perfectly timed, intricate movements, in extremely tight quarters, of  millions of members, located in millions of locations engaged in a variety species

related task. Many  congregations of Species #1 can be observed on the human body and in interior and exterior environment, with the unaided eye.  Species #1 can be found on all formites, such as clothing, bedding, toothbrushes, combs, furnishings, glasses, all male and female hygiene products, paper products and cleaning and sanitizing products and all other  household objects. Species #1 are observed to function as undetected exoparasites, off host parasites and are believed to be endoparasitic as well.  Species #1 can be found in massive numbers as microscopic and macroscopic entities on all areas of the human body and all aspects of the environment.

Species #1 have been consistently observed to consume human blood.

Species #1 has also been observed to  transport , relatively large amounts of human blood and other mammalian blood to off- host species members. 

Species #1 does exhibit some basic terrestrial parasitical traits. These traits which are very similar to those common traits that are shared among a variety of human and non-human parasites.  Traits such as, wholly dependent on blood meals for their survival, extremely high egg production, the use of stealth and the ability to bypass the host immune systems ect. But the data demonstrates that the similarities end with the common basics.

Species #1  exhibits biologically distinct and utterly new traits/abilities that lack any historical or even  mythological reference and cannot be traced to or associated with any branch of the biological evolutionary tree of life.  A cursory reference of these unique abilities can be found listed below.  The data demonstrates the fact that are not biologically or physiology related in fact Species. #1 and Species #2 are distinctly separate species and maintain a predator (Species #2) and prey (Species #1) relationship to each other and Species #1 shares a parasitic/host relationship with humans and other mammals. The data demonstrates that Species #1  must feed on human and other mammalian blood for it to survive and thrive.


The data also demonstrates that there are some remarkable aspects of their parasitic nature that is believed to be unique among parasites. One such aspect is the fact that Species #1 rear and nurture it’s offspring from bright white Stage 2, hatching to dark blue Stage 4 adults.   This parental dedication is further demonstrated and featured in Species #1’s, utterly unique manner in which they nurture their offspring.  The fact is Species #1  females will continually lay stage 1, opaque eggs anywhere. This includes laying Stage 1 eggs in the air, in water or any other fluid, in explosives, peanut butter, honey, jelly, bleach, ammonia, in and on dry ice and literally everywhere else.  Although the Species #1 females demonstrate a preference for  locations that will shelter the eggs from direct exposure to light, should that not be a viable option then the Species #1 females will build a much thicker and more reflective protective shield over the light exposed egg sacks. Observations revealed the fact that the males begin to fertilize the egg almost as soon as they are laid.  Then the bright white Stage 2 hatchlings emerge, then anywhere within a few minutes thereafter.  Almost immediately  after the stage 2, bright white hatchlings emerge, the adult males begin to shuttle the hatchlings away from the prime egg laying  location, to a location of lesser egg laying value.  Upon arrival at that location or if it is not possible to relocate, the adult males will pile the stage 2 bright white hatchlings in a   mound or  stack them in  pillar like  columns.

The data supports that these efforts are undertaken as measures to free up the limited and extremely valuable egg laying space. On surfaces contingents of Species #1  females will lay their egg in protective sacks, situated in straight rows or columns, that run abreast, side by side lengthwise to a terminus and back again filling any  space left empty by the removal of its hatchlings, this action is repeated over and over again on every track. As the hatchlings are being shuttled, other species #1 members  clean the hatchlings former hatch sites of discarded egg sacks and prepare them for to receive eggs on the females next pass. While other members of Species #1 immediately appear at hatchlings shuttled locations, delivering freshly acquired mammalian blood meals.  Species #1 members feed the blood meal to the stage 2 hatchlings. once fed, the stage 2 hatchlings change color from bright white to a stage 3 juvenile, light tan or beige color.  Simultaneously other species #1 members arrive and   begin  to shuttle these now stage 3 tan or beige juveniles to other  locations where they  will receive at least one more blood meal and exposure to a source of   light bright enough to trigger their final metamorphic change. This second blood  meal and exposure to  light provides  stage 3 juveniles the energy necessary to transition to Stage 4 adults. While transitioning the stage 3 juveniles color shifts from beige to light green and when they achieve   maturation they shift from light green to dark blue stage 4 adults. After which they break down and go microscopic,  take flight and/or bleed into the background. This process is taking place on every surface, no matter how big or how small. Funny human body this process is taking place all over the body but especially in the nose,  ears and mouth, where the stage 1 eggs and stage 2 hatchlings  stay hidden In the nasal passage, mouth and ear canal but once they receive the second blood meal they are  shuttled to the cheeks forehead lips facial hair and hair on the scalp were they complete the maturation process.  Just process is also taking place on the palms and dorsal aspects of the hand, stage 1 eggs are laid on the palm side of the hand and the hatchlings are shuttled to the dorsal side of the hand where they are placed in excavated skin lines and sealed in.  The excavation of the lines ensue that they will  receive their second blood meal and upon reaching stage 3 they emerge from the lines and are spread in a the veneer all over the face where they received her last meal in light exposure allowing them to complete the maturation process. This process is happening on every human body everywhere all the time.  To recap the females well lay the eggs in locations where they are not exposed to direct light. As the hatchings emerge adult males will begin to  shuttle them to the location of less egg-laying value and pile or stack  the hatchlings. Various Species #1 Will arrive to feed the hatchlings and  will continue the feeding and nurturing of the offspring through the second blood meal as stage 3 juveniles. Stage 3 is the final feeding stage. At the completion of stage 3 the juveniles turn green and maturation to blue stage 4 adults occurs. The data suggest that there are no other known, non mammalian parasites, that utilize off host feeding. It is  believed that the off host feeding trait if it exist, is  extremely rare and unusual.  Considering the fact this process is repeated continuously at all the countless millions of off host nesting sites, this trait is a remarkable undertaking and is logistically astounding. It seems logical to assume that these parental skills developed as a means to ensure the rampant growth of the species population without overwhelming their host and increasing,   the possibility of being discovered, which would forfeit all the advantages gained from undetected anonymity.

The data further supports the fact that Species #1 and Species #2 exhibit other distinctly unique morphological characteristics, the combination of which identifies these to be separate from, unrelated to and wholly unlike any parasitic or other species known to ever exist.  These distinctly unique characteristics and/or morphological traits provide these Species #1 and Species #2 with an unprecedented set of unique biological abilities . The scope of these remarkable abilities irrefutably identify Species #1 and Species #2 to most likely be of non-terrestrial or alien origin.

The research data provides direct evidence which substantiates the theory  that our planet and ourselves have been invaded and is currently occupied by two or more species of alien (Species #1 & Species #2.

The data demonstrates the fact that these Species exhibit  utterly unique, morphologically distinct abilities which are not shared by any species known to ever exist.  The data provides that the existence of  these extremely unusual abilities  outlined below, as well as the the sudden appearance in the last ,400 years of these foreign Species in the biosphere, and the fact that their extraordinary abilities lack any biological or historical  reference seems to clearly indicate that these entities must be non-terrestrial or alien in origin. 

The data demonstrates that it is this  combination of unique abilities provide these organisms the biological tools necessary to counter all manner of conventional means of  eradication or removal, while providing them with the biological tools necessary to survive and thrive in the most hostile and hazardous conditions known to exist.


The most notable of aforementioned   abilities are as follows:

1.the ability to scale from gargantuan cloud like size to miniature microscopic and possibly subatomic size;  the

  1. ability to into the cells of plants and animals;
  2. The ability to exist and thrive in the bone marrow of both uncooked and cooked animals,
  3. The ability survive and thrive in a vacuum;
  4. the ability to survive and thrive in caustic liquids, including but not limited to: (a) chlorine bleach;

(b) gasoline;

(c) ammonia, 

(d) hydrochloric acid,

(e) muriatic  acid,

(f) vinegar, (g) All forms of alcohol, (h) lemon  juice;  (I) freshwater; (j) acetone;

(k) the ability to survive temperatures well above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit;

(l) the ability to survive l  prolonged exposure to chloramine gas;

(m) The ability to inhibit clouds, gases, fumes and vapors;

(n) the ability to control and/or direct the movement of clouds, gases, vapors and fumes;

(o) the ability to inhibit and power inanimate objects; 

(p) the ability to power and/or animate objects; 

(q) the ability to use inanimate objects as tools and/or  vehicles to transport or rescue species offspring;

(r)The ability to create and/or commandeer and pilot bubbles in or on all surfaces and/or all medims, this includes fluids;

(s) The ability to organize and manage the widespread utilization of a myriad a of bubbles, the abilityto carry out a myriad  of Species dependent functions,

(t)The ability to pilot bubbles as to various locations and cause those bubbles to function as, among other things, transportation vehicles; rescue vehicles and/or as animated tools created or commandeered to accomplish other species dependent tasks;

(u) the ability to inhibit inanimate objects; 

(v) the ability commandeer, drive and/or   steer these  inanimate objects   through a multitude of overlapping routes  while executing complex maneuvers with closely timed cross patterns;

(w) the ability to accomplish the above species dependent task with precision and acuity: 

(x) the ability to construct complex machinery with rapidly moving parts constructed of species created materials  and/or materials rendered from the environment;

(z) the ability to recognize the need to employ microscopic  stealth  when in close proximity to humans we;

(aa) the ability to stage visibly large congregations of species members,  at scattered locations on all surfaces, including such surfaces as water, skin, fur, hair, walls, floors,  cabinets, doors and ceilings;

(ab) the ability to recognize the necessity to scatter congratulations in such a way that they appear to the human eye to be mundane unassociated spots, specks or stains; 

(ac) the ability to maintain the relative size and  shape of the ever changing  congregation’s  population area by regulating  the timing, number,  manner and movement of the microscopic influx of  members  arriving coincides with the efflux  of  microscopic members departing the congregation;

(ad) the ability to construct, mimic and/or pose as hairs, fibers or a myriad other inanimate objects, 

(ae) the ability, especially when mimicking, inhibiting or posing, to perceive adverse situation changes which may present exposure to the possibly of discovery; (y) the ability to perceive the necessity to maintain a shell or semblance of a mimicked object  while the majority of members  microscopically exit the shell to avoid capture and or detection  and to maintain a continued covert presence;

(af) the ability to manufacture hair like fibers and use those fibers as bridges, tunnels, incubators and or storage shelters;

(ag) the ability to thrive in all types of oil;

(ah) the ability to survive in boiling oil;

(ai) the ability to thrive in boiling water;

(aj) the ability to survive all forms of combustion; (ak) the ability to inhibit and/or contaminate all materials; the ability to survive combustion respiration of consumable materials;

(al) the ability when combusted  to survive the reaction and bind with and inhibit the resultant emissions molecules;    (am) the ability to commandeer inhibited emissions  abd have them act as species controlled smoke, vapor and/or fumes, including those combusted consumable materials. These materials include inhaled smoke or vapor from cigarettes, marijuana, vape devices, pipes, methamphetamines, fentanyl, heroin, ice, spice, hash, hash oil, dabs, and all other forms of  combustible  inhalants;

(an) the ability to survive the processes of the combustion engine;

(ao) the ability to inhibit and control the combustion  engine exhaust fumes;

(ap)The ability to survive all respiration processes;

(aq) the ability to survive The digestive process;

(ar) The ability to survive the metabolic processes;

(as) the ability to inhibit steam resulting from boiling  water or any other boiling liquid;

(at) the ability to thrive and survive prolonged (weeks) exposure to below freezing temperatures; (ar) the ability to survive and thrive all forms of contaminated chemical reactions;

(as) The ability to distribute all 4 stages (egg;


Opaque;  hatchling  are fed 1st blood meal; transform into beige colored stage 3 Juveniles. The Stage 3: juveniles are fed a blood as soon as possible., sv

of species 1 , 3, & 4) to distribute and exist as an imperceptible  microscopically thin veneer on ; the ability of at least species #1 to acquire, gather, harvest, transport, and/or deliver human and other mammalian blood meals to those on and off body Species #1 adult female members and/or offspring, wherever they are located.    These are just the notable abilities.



It’s believed and the data supports the belief that Species #2 and possibly species unknown are the superior consumers of species #1.   Species #2 is  believed to feed on species #1 It is assumed  that extremely detection resistant Species #2  purposely introduced detection resistant species #1 into the biosphere.  Once unleashed species #1 Would act in their own best interests by seeking out suitable host an then unknowingly act as primary consumer. It seems that species #1 also function as a buffer  Species  designed to interact with and feed on terrestrial host.  As a buffer  species, the detection resistant species #1 is introduced into the biosphere where it   establishes and maintain direct contact with all host species, extracts nutrients necessary for its survival. and is preyed upon by  superior species.  Thus the introduction of species #1 into the biosphere by  predatory superior species would  species acts as  insulating and concealing the existence of Superior end users Species.  Data indicates that Species #1  has been  released to function as   extra terrestrial cattle to graze on all of humanity, like so many blades of grass.  The data supports that these Species have accomplished the covert worldwide distribution and with  high rates of  infection of contaminate Species #1.  By covertly releasing Species #1 into the  cloud segment of the planet’s water system. The data further supports that upon release Species #1 then  combined with the  water molecules that exists as the clouds water vapor and simply fell on the planet as rain.  This contaminated rain Infected everything that received it. 


Long term  Infiltration of the clouds inevitably resulted in a planet wide contamination of our entire  water system.


The result of complete contamination of the planets  water system is the complete contamination of all living things  and all non living things  that have been touched by water.  This includes humans, plants, and animals and all foods and nutrients that they consume.


At least One Species (Species #2) has been observed to cloak their ubiquitous  presence utilizing the iridescent spectrums of electromagnetic radiation.   Species #1 exist openly and in plain sight in all environments in microscopic and microscopic forms and can be found in or on all mediums as, or in solid, liquid or gas states. 

Species #1 can be observed in and on, all interior and exterior surfaces including  the internal and external surfaces of the human body. Both Species can be observed in the atmosphere at any given time.  Species #1 Can be observed in the atmosphere with the unaided eye.  Species #2 has been observed in the atmosphere using a prototype of a tool  developed for this purpose. The presence of Species #1  is so profound it can be viewed from space.   The data supports the fact that there are massive numbers of Species #1 existing as  thick iridescent tan colored haze or fog that blankets the entire planet.  The data further supports that this haze extends from sea level to well beyond the lower atmosphere. All things now exist in a sea of Species #1.

Species #1 can be observed in the atmosphere   flying in macroscopic groups or gathered as  massively large, cloud like hordes.  Species #2 and/or Species unknown appear as particles of fog or Flying orbs varying in size from colossal to microscopic and varying in color from clear to iridescent red. Green, tan/beige, black/dark blue or any variation or combination.   of those color.  When species #1 are gathered in the atmosphere, in bulbous cloud-like masses,       all members gathered so, appear to function as if they are of one collective mind and body. When not in mass, members of  Species #1 appear to be dispensed or dispatched   to perform various species dependent task.  These dispatched members can be observed to exist in smaller groups of various size. These smaller groups appear to function as scaled down  versions of the collective whole. It is believed that every member of Species #1 and Species #2 regardless of the remoteness of their location, they are somehow connected to the collective.  These members then function as satellites of the whole and can be observed in  large to microscopic groups.  These satellite groups are able to achieve endlessly variable configurations, which are subject to ever changing shape, size, depth and dimensions depending on the needs and requirements of the species. Little is known about Species #2 other than these facts: Species #2 utilize iridescent luminosity  to hide in plain sight; Species #2 have demonstrated the ability to fly at speeds impossible for an terrestrial organism to achieve; Species  #2 have demonstrated the ability to scale from enormous to microscopic  And vice versa, and Species  #2  have been observed  consuming large quantities of Species #1.


Adult Members of  species #1 appear equally acclimated to life on land, life in the air or life in fluids. Species #1 can be found swimming abundantly in all bodies of water, crawling on surfaces or flying in the upper and lower atmosphere. Yet whenever, wherever and however they are found, members of Species #1 appear to be engaged in species dependent task.  These task include laying eggs, fertilizing eggs, transporting human blood to females, hatchlings and juveniles existing at a myriad of off body sites or shuttling those listed above from off body sites to human bodies to accomplish egg laying, egg fertilization and/or to provide access to  blood meals.

Species #1 has the ability to circumvent all of the human body’s immuneZsystems.  It is believed that Species #1 has infected all of humanity.  Species #1 has been found nesting in massive numbers on every human, plant and animal test subject, yet the human subjects were completely unaware that they were harboring massive infections of Species #1.

Species #1 have been consistently observed to spend at least 3 of the 4 known  stages (Stage 1 eggs, Stage 2 hatchlings, Stage 3 juvenile and stage 4 adult) of its lifecycle on the human body, feeding on human blood.

Species #1 has also consistently been observed being supplied human blood that had been transported by adult members of the species to those adolescent members of the species that have been hatched at a myriad of off body locations throughout all aspects of the environment including those existing in body’s of water for the purpose of providing those adolescents members of the species with blood meals. 


Species #1 has 4 known life stages.


Stage 1 is the egg stage of the lifecycle. Species #1 eggs are microscopic and are deposited by the hundreds or possibly thousands in iridescent pale white protective sacks.  These protective sacks are not easily visible to the unaided eye.  Stage 1 egg sacks can be found in a myriad of shaded locations throughout the environment. The egg sacks are laid out in fields in  locations where the eggs will not come in contact with direct sunlight. Species #1 egg sacks are found on the human body in all locations that are sheltered from exposure to light. It is assumed that exposing the eggs to light will have a negative effect on the development of the eggs but this theory has yet to be explored.

On all human body’s you will find major, yet undetected  infections. Although the entire body is infected by Species #1, Species #1 will invariably establish primary nesting sites on the human body in the following locations: the nasal passages, the ear canals, the groin area, the palms of both hand, the entire scalp and entire buttocks region.  At these nesting sites Species #1 adults transform and damage  the skin tissue to accommodate the needs of the species. Species #1 adults engage in and complete series of task that are  detrimental to health of humans ahead of the egg laying females. Species #1 adults are continually engaged in  the following detrimental behavior:

The Constant and repeated enlargement  the circumference and shape of all human  body pores found at the nesting sites and at random locations on the body. Species #1 accomplish this by boring  and excavating the bored tissue; continued and repeated enlargement of the circumference of all hair follicles at  nesting sites and at random locations on the body. This is accomplished by boring the follicle tissue  and excavating the tissue; the removal hairs and root from  a large number of bored and excavated  follicles at nesting sites and at random locations on the body and replacing those hairs  with hollow  species manufactured hair-like fibers; the constant  excavating and creating follicle deep, trenches in  the skin tissue at random locations at nesting sites and random locations on the body.  These deep and relatively large trenches and/or incisions/lacerations and all other species inflicted wounds to the surface of the skin exposes the body to opportunistic infections and should be a grave  cause for concern.  As each of the above detrimental actions are completed the resultant wound is immediately filled with egg sacks. The eggs are immediately fertilized and the hatchlings immediately begin to emerge.  The hatchlings immediately begin feeding on the abundant fresh blood  flowing from the the newly  inflicted wounds. As the number of hatchlings increase they are placed in and on the hollow hair-like fibers where they will continually drop down feed and exit  fed and unfed hatchlings are immediately gathered up and stacked of placed in a ball like clump to provide space for the removal of the egg sacks and to provide  unobstructed access to the excavators and egg layers. Stage 2  hatchlings and newly transformed stage 3s are continually round up, placed is protected shells and shuttled to locations where they will receive direct light and their next blood meal.  On the human body these locations are the outer ear, the dorsal or back of the hand, most of the face most of especially the cheeks,  nose forehead eyeballs and all exposed hairs. It should be noted that this entire process is continuously and repeatedly occurring simultaneously non-stop everyday 365 days of the year. It is apparent that these sites especially the ear canal and nasal passage were strategically chosen, not only because they receive no sunlight but also  because they are mostly beyond the reach of human interference or due to either the internal aspect or the nest location or the nest is in a location difficult to examine or can be examined in private. Basically other than head and facial hair, the primary nesting sites are  strategically located in removal resistant sites.  


When trapped Species #1


females appear as small clear or white  orbs varying in size but averaging 2- 3 cm’s in diameter  These females have been observed to continually lay eggs  nonstop for extended periods of time on all surfaces lacking exposure to direct sunlight. In the atmosphere or in large body’s of water or other fluids, countless females   release their eggs in countless iridescent pale, off white protective sacks, each sack holding hundreds and possibly thousands of eggs. These egg sacks are dispersed in enormous cloud like fields.    The data supports the only criterion Species #1 females consider when choosing a nesting site is that the sight has no exposure to direct sunlight and are laying eggs in these locations even if they are extremely remote and miles away from the closest human body.  The data supports the fact Species #1 females continually lay eggs with no consideration of proximity to humans and the data further supports that it is responsibility of the Species #1 males to fertilize the eggs and provide and  care for the offspring.


On the human body the egg sack fields are laid out and anchored to the skin with a barb located   at the narrow end of the fig shaped sack. .  Once and sometimes while, the egg field is being laid out, the adult males who when grouped, appear to the naked eye,  as black or dark blue specks or splotches of dark colored debris.  In the atmosphere Species #1 appear as enormous pale off white clouds, Bright white clouds, orange of dark beige clouds and/or dark clouds all of which will most likely occur at the same time. Whether the egg sack field is microscopic or cloud-like colossal, Species #1  males  have been observed to  engage in a behavior in which they spread out and blanket the entire field. This behavior causes the field to assume a gray or speckled appearance.  It is assumed that this behavior is undertaken to accomplish  fertilization of the eggs. 


Immediately after fertilization occurs, hatchlings begin to emerge. These hatchlings, when grouped,  are bright white. On the human body the  egg sack  fields are located in a place such as the ear canal and nasal passages. In these locations the eggs are sheltered from light and the emerging hatchlings will have immediate access to a blood meal.


After consuming at least one blood meal the hatchlings then change from bright white to a tan or beige color. 


Once in Stage 2 Species #1 offspring have  another blood meal and begin the transformation to stage 3


After the second blood meal Species #1 offspring then turn light green and either move themselves or are transported  to a location where they are exposed to light and possibly  another blood meal


After being exposed to light Species #1 offspring then turn into black or dark blue adults who have among other abilities, the ability of flight

It should be noted that all stages of Species #1 lifecycle is constantly occurring everywhere at once. on all terrestrial objects including the human body these stages  occur on a microscopic scale. In the atmosphere   these stages are  occurring on a colossal  cloud-like scale. These stages are also occurring in and on the surface of all body’s of water. Species #1 offspring do not require a childhood, all  stages can occur in rapid succession,  simultaneously and  everywhere all at once.

The adult male and female’s of species #1 infect the human body as parasitic  microorganisms. that depend human and other mammalian blood for its survival


 The data has invariably produced evidence that Species #1 require, utilize, and consume,  enormous amounts of human and other mammalian blood, to survive and thrive.   At  enormous and widespread  presence of macroscopic and  microscopic splotches of blood found in the air and in, on and around  non-human organic and inorganic sites,   animate and inanimate  objects,  indicates the strong possibility that species #1 may possibly  consume all type of mammalian  blood. Further it is well documented that species #1 is parasitic  and has chosen humanity as it’s food of choice. 


 Species #1 appear to have accomplished complete and total infestation and been observed in and on all living things.  The data confirms that Species #1 are not only in the water we drink, but they are also in the food we eat and the air we breathe.

The data supports that Species #1 is a pathogen that may be causing damage these aliens have wrought on our bodies especially and specifically on our internal organs, has yet to be determined but damage to our skin which the research revealed is frightening.   This website provides videos and photos which support this theory. But more importantly this website will provide you with the ability  to find out for yourself if this theory is correct.  When viewing these videos, photos and things in your environment, pay close attention to the following: things that  that are bright white, things that are Beige, things that are green and things that are black or dark blue, especially around lights, the sun and or the moon




Preliminary data indicates that Species #1 and species #2 appear to have covertly accomplished the invasion and complete occupation of our planet and ourselves. The data further demonstrates  Species #1  employed its scalable abilities to stealthy invade and now occupy our ourselves and planet.  The data further supports That these entities are ubiquitously present and at least Species #1 should be considered to exist as detrimental microscopic and macroscopic infectious agents. The data identifies  Species #1 as the responsible agents of a previously undetected, ultra-insidious, planet wide pandemic.  The data demonstrates that the invasion and occupation  which resulted in this ultra insidious pandemic is  unprecedented in scale, scope and depth. The  example of which is marked by an extremely aggressive infectious agent, responsible for a ultra high rate of infection and  extremely high   global saturation rate, and the complete infection of all living things and a near total contamination of all nonliving things. All the above accomplished covertly and undetected by  the exploitation dependent design of Species #2, a scalable Microscopic and macroscopic entity.

The data supports the fact that these entities achieved the invasion, occupation and plaguing of our planet through the sophisticated utilization of stealth, cunning, a host of unique abilities and a cursory understanding of certain behavioral aspects of the human condition. It is this aspects of understanding which provides these Species the opportunity to exploit certain innate traits of the human condition  These universal traits ensure that we as a species, automatically default to our prepossessed  dismissal of all things microscopic and our ingrained outright rejection of new belief systems  The data does not reflect if the entities came by this behavioral understanding of humanity naturally, through trial and error or if it was acquired as the result of long term observations and/or interactions.

Yet the data does identify the fact that the entities mastered the manipulation of the subtle nuances of their understanding  of these two universal human traits.  Their dependence on those two trails provided these entities the keys to their successful invasion and occupation.  It is important to note that the continued  success of their occupation of the planet and subjugation of ourselves is  dependent on humankind allowing the continued manipulation of this understanding.  If we maintain  our reluctance as a species, to dismiss the possibility of the reality that we have encountered somethings that are extremely unusual and highly unlikely simply Because it is extremely unusual highly unlikely and/or  we continue to dismiss the perceived threat  because it is microscopic.  Then it will be our willingness exploitation to take on the yoke and pull the plow of exploration to clear the way and open the avenues necessary for these entities to manipulate our innate resistance to radical shifts or changes in a established paradigm.   The data supports that the secret to their success is their understanding that as a species, human beings are genetically inclined to embrace states of disbelief, indifference and denial when faced with a hitherto inconceivable new reality or a shift or change in the established  paradigm.

The reason we cling to those states is because they  are the  cornerstone of our humanity. It is our states of disbelief, indifference and denial when faced with something new that is responsible for humankinds greatest achievements and concepts.  They prevent us from jumping on any everything that looks good.  And it the bond that allowed us to love. Build families, lasting friendships, communities religions in countries and this is a bond that we as a species will only break in the rarest of times when the species as a whole is facing an eminent threat. The data clearly and distinctly  demonstrate that the threat is real and that is that time. .