This website is the product of 48 months of continuous and on-going research and in-depth investigation into this non-terrestrial phenomenon that has been plaguing our planet with increasing peculiarities.




The data which substantiates the below theory, is derived from the following research methods:


48 months of continuous and on-going, around the clock, direct contact with at least two hitherto unknown species.


48 months of continuous and on-going, around the clock, direct observation of at least 3 and occasional observation of at least 2 additional, hitherto unknown species.


48 months of continuous and on-going, extensive testing & rigorous experimentation.


48 months of continuous and on-going, covert and overt investigations


And 48 months of continuous and on-going, interactions with at least 3 and visual contact with at least

2 additional new and hitherto unknown, biologically and morphologically distinct entities/species.


The data derived from the listed research methods, invariably substantiates the fact that our planet is and has, for a significant period of time, been suffering from invasion by at least 5, new, biologically, morphologically and genealogically distinct entities/species.

The data which supports the above statement began with the early detection, subsequent exposure and documentation of a new and utterly strange non-terrestrial carnivorous parasitic species, hereafter this species shall be referred to as species #1. 


This discovery of species #1, having taken place in the initial phase of this now monumental, 48-month scientific odyssey, provided a wealth of new, strange, exotic frightening data. But to the dismay of all, the data only served to raise more questions than it answered. 


The data positively identified this new entity as being an endlessly present, enormously massive, entirely undetected, shift shaping, carnivorous, parasitic, scalable, microscopic and macroscopic (qausiscopic) species, engaged in continuous, non-stop wanton full body infections of all humankind.

Most alarming was the discovery of fact that this species proves to be impervious to all applications of prescription anti parasitic medication and consumer and/or commercial pest control products and all other means and methods of conceivable conventional efforts targeting its extermination and/or removal.

The data further identified the fact that this new entity is present on all surfaces and emits from trees, buildings, skyscrapers, bridges and other tall structures as mimicked atmospheric clouds. From sea level up to approximately 500 feet up , this species is present as a thick iridescent fog like haze enveloping the planet and saturating the biosphere with inconceivably massive numbers ever-present, ever-changing, shapeshifting, quasiscopic populations of all 5 stages of Species #1 known life cycles.  Further the data demonstrates that Every surface including and starting from the ground, streets, sidewalks, highways, freeways, and the surface of every other object in the-biosphere is actively emitting species #1 stage 4, blue-green, pre-adults achieving maturation and sublimating into emitted gas plumes of stage 5 adult dark blue males and translucent females in all aspects of the biosphere.


Further the data demonstrates that species #1 is endowed with a rapid and extremely high rate of reproduction, with no known natural predator or mechanical or chemical means of keeping is population in check.

The combination of these factors coupled with an almost 400-year covert existence, dictates the expectation that we should be witnessing inconceivably massive overwhelming populations of species #1 in the biosphere.  


This tragic result would also have extremely negative consequences for the successful continuation of the covert based agenda of these non-terrestrial invaders. The data demonstrates that had this species entered the biosphere unchecked with no natural predator or mechanical or chemical check, this apparently indestructible, rapidly reproducing species would ultimately, within years of its arrival, be responsible for the collapse and eventual death of the biosphere and all things living in it including, humankind.   


The fact that species number one Is discovered to now exist as   an almost entirely undetected covert but extremely active species.  Who are discovered to exist in relatively stable on and off host populations.


The overall species number population appears healthy are found to be thriving at numbers well below detection levels.  

The sum of this data equates to 1 enormous question which begged to be asked. That question is where did all these inconceivably massive numbers of missing indestructible catastrophic bound actual and/or projected species #1 population members go?