The fact is, we are little more than a small group of simple, curiosity driven citizen scientists, With the modest reputation of finding simple solutions to complex civic issues.   A little over 4 years ago we embarked on a scientific quest. This quest was in the form of a simple research project. The focus of this quest driven project was twofold. 

The first being the establishment for once and for all of an irrefutable, total and complete debunking of the reckless, extremely dangerous, personally depressive, professionally destructive, socially devastating misdiagnosed finding of so-called delusional infestation, and other so called diagnosis’s of the same ilk.

Our intent was to acquire definitive proof that the symptoms leading up to these delusional misdiagnosis’s are the actual symptoms of those patients suffering from a seriously massive but undetected    infection of the skin, And that The causative infectious agent was a then, unknown microscopic parasitic organism.
We, here at aliencentral101.org embarked on this journey believing all findings of Delusional Infestation are actually a finding of the healthcare practitioner’s inability or unwillingness to identify this skin infection or take the time to isolate and identify this infection’s causative agent.  For almost 70 years healthcare providers have recklessly ignored an entire body of evidence with all indications pointing to thousands of patients from all over the world suffering from this same type of massive skin infection.

To this day, healthcare providers continue to misdiagnose these massive skin infections as being a mental health condition which they termed delusional infestation, or some version of that.  We believed and are now in a position to prove by way of our discovery, that these skin infections that have been misdiagnosed as delusional infestation are actually caused by, and are the result of a massive infection of the skin by this newly discovered quasiscopic entity. We assert that our discovery, identification, documentation, and findings prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that This entity is the cause of the symptoms which Health practitioners erroneously base their diagnosis that a Patient suffers from some form of delusional infestation.

The result of our discovery must have the Effect of making all past findings of Delusional infestation to be, now and hereafter considered null and void.

This would include the entire group of fact-less, delusional infestation related finding as well as the detrimentally cancerous body of supporting peer related dogma. 

The second but inextricably related focus of the research which we also achieved, was to discover, document and identify the unknown microscopic parasitic causative agent which we were certain was responsible for the symptoms of the disorder commonly referred to as Morgellons disorder.

We were confident of the fact that those symptoms associated with Morgellons disorder, which are commonly misdiagnosed by healthcare practitioners as symptoms indicative of, or related to that patient suffering from delusional infestation, was in fact, actually the result of these patients suffering from a massive undetected infestation of the skin, by an unknown microscopic, parasitic organism.

Our objective was simple, We set out to discover, identify and document this hitherto unknown microscopic parasitic organism. It was expected that the accomplishment of such a  discovery would Satisfy both objectives and effectively debunk such findings as delusional infestation or Delusional parasitosis.

We were excited about our chances and looked forward to an early resolution of this challenge.

Given the history of Morgellons and the enormous controversy created by those who mistakenly insist that it is not a medical condition, necessitated that the project start with the absorption of all known available data.  We had already read most of the material, but we went over it all again.   The more we read about this unusual condition and the historic failure to identify its unusually mysterious causative agent, the more intrigued we became.

We found it to be fascinating that even to this day, this unknown entity had maintained a remarkable unblemished almost 400 year old record of discovery avoidance. It had compiled so many undiscovered victories that it is easier to count them as centuries. For almost 4 centuries this microscopic entity had managed to outwit the most learned of men and women. It continued to make folly of all attempts to identify it, until now. Our discovery proves that the causative Infectious agent for The symptoms commonly associated with Morgellons disorder, is an entity with Utterly exotic abilities including the shape-shifting , quasiscopic at-will, ability to achieve scalable morph, or the ability to change shape and shift from microscopic to macroscopic and vice versa, at will.

This entity has demonstrated many other remarkable abilities. Each of these abilities identify this organism as being of non-terrestrial origin.

We gained valuable knowledge from the failure of others. Especially from the reading of the many failed Morgellons studies and their wealth of illuminating data.

Most notable were the fact that these studies utilized the usual acceptable analytical methods and techniques. Each study appeared to be impeccable in their approach, standard in their administration and universal in their failure.

What we found most interesting was the fact that these Morgellons studies were conducted in a similar and somewhat common manner, including the usual standards, biopsy, study subject’s self-reported history, collection of detailed epidemiological data, the usual clinical evaluations, the usual use of geospatial analysis and the usual analyzation of materials collected from participants skin and so forth. Further these Morgellons’s studies were funded in the usual manner, by the usual sources, for the usual purposes.

Yet each of these numerous studies failed to find a causative agent.  We quickly decided not to pursue any of those storied, traditional and usually reliable research methods and clinical techniques. This decision was based on our fervent belief that one cannot find the unusual by employing the usual methods.   

A commitment to this simple logic created an expectation that we would quickly discover a new and exotic microscopic parasite. Yet, it was not expected or even considered, that what we believed to be a simple And quickly accomplished project would ultimately lead to the remarkable discovery that the causative agent of Morgellons was a microscopic, non-terrestrial, carnivorous, parasitic entity.   

Yet 60 days into this project, an unknown, extremely exotic, quasiscopic or scalable Shapeshifting, carnivorous parasitic entity was discovered. This entity was observed to be present, not only on human and animal skin, but it was also found to be present in extremely massive numbers, in the ambient air, in tap and bottled water, in or on fruits and vegetables, in or on poultry, in or on all types of meat, in or on all dairy products and in or on a huge variety of other food stuffs. This newly discovered entity demonstrated that it was dangerously durable  as it was exotic.

Within weeks the entity proved itself to be a species never documented And suspiciously indestructible.  This species quickly established the fact that it is a species that is entirely morphologically, genealogically, and biologically separate and distinct from any species in existence or more precisely any species ever known to exist.  

Even though, we capitalized on the word ALIEN in the title of this site, we made the decision to shun the use of the term alien in or as a descriptive or identifying reference to our discovered entity. Instead, we believe the term non-terrestrial is a more befitting and less complicated identifier of this newly discovered entity.  

We made this decision based on the simple fact that we discovered the use of the term alien, in a descriptive or identifying fashion, lends such use to a fusillade of mind-numbing, never ending  semantical related controversies. Central to these controversies is the highly improbable task of classifying a thing as alien. This improbability lies in, and is derived from, the millions of disparate self-generated beliefs, concepts, and opinions of what folks believe are requisite qualifications necessary to identify a thing as being or, as not being of alien origin.

The creation and existence of this opinionated quagmire of a global population-wide, individual standards, arises from the vacuum infused lack of an existing examples, universally accepted concepts, or points of reference, generated and verified by an officially issued description or  scientific points of comparison. To make matters worse when you Couple this absence of an Official source of reference or comparison, with the fact that most folks have preconceived personal, individually created expectations of what they believe and insist would or not be,  is or is not an alien.  The resulting global ball of confusion works to render any and all attempts to authenticate the existence of an actual Alien, to a never ending exercise in semantical futility.  

To avoid that exercise, it was decided to forgo attempting to establish and authenticate these discovered species as being alien. Instead we focused the past 4 years of our energies on first, attempting to prove that they are terrestrial or that they are from this planet. These attempts failed in every Scientific aspect except biology.  There exist a small group of biological traits or features which we believe are merely  coincidently similar to some features  found in terrestrial parasitic creatures.  These would be parasitism, mass pro-creation processes, colonial or communal living, utilization of stealth and avoidance Techniques.

Other than these few general similarities every other thing about these entities are new and never before seen.  Even more remarkable is the fact that the last 4 years of Research, study, observation, and the accumulation of data on this species led to the discovery of at least 5 other new and exotic entities. The body of accumulated data clearly demonstrate that all of these distinctly separate and different entities possess abilities which indicate with a high degree of probability, that they are genealogically, morphologically and biologically separate and distinct from any species ever known to exist. Just as important these species demonstrate that they possess a range of exotic, never before seen special abilities.  These exotic and special abilities provide these entities with the ability to exist in conditions far beyond and well outside of that which is identified and defined as the habitable zone. This habitable zone is the zone of environmental factors that define the limits at which all life, as we know it, can exist.

The presence of these exotic abilities demonstrate with a high probability, that the development of these entities was exogenous.  Specifically, possession of these exotic abilities demonstrate that these entities developed without having been subjected to this planet’s laws of natural selection.  It is these laws of natural selection which govern the development of all lifeforms on this planet. 

Our claim that these entities are non terrestrial, rest with the significant importance derived from the fact that these entities consistently demonstrate the ability to exist and thrive in conditions that are proven and classified as being utterly hostile to all life on this planet.

The scary part is we have yet to create an artificial environment harsh enough, hot enough, cold enough, caustic enough, wet enough, dry enough, anaerobic enough, Basically extreme enough to prevent these non-terrestrials from thriving.    These findings indicate by a high probability that these are exogenous non-terrestrial entities of unknown non-terrestrial origin.

At the start of this project, a little over Four years ago, nothing could have prepared us for the enormity of our findings, nor the frightening facts attached to the undeniable knowledge of their sinister covert non terrestrial agenda. All of which identifies the fact that these non-terrestrials are dangerous and detrimental to the health of humankind.