The data derived from the above listed research methods, invariably substantiates the fact that our planet is and has, for a significant period of time, been suffering from invasion by at least 5 or more, new, biologically, morphologically and genealogically distinct entities/species.


The data which supports the above statement began with the early detection, subsequent exposure and documentation of a new and utterly strange non-terrestrial carnivorous parasitic species, hereafter this species shall be referred to as species #1. 


This discovery of species #1, having taken place in the initial phase of this now monumental, 48-month scientific odyssey, provided a wealth of new, strange, exotic frightening data. But to the dismay of all, the data only served to raise more questions than it answered. 


The data positively identified this new entity as being a Entirely new form of parasite. The likes of which not only have we never encountered but we never would have considered. That is a trick to this parasite. It’s entire life cycle, Behavior, Habitation, familial bonds, Parentage, Dedication and other behavioral modus of operandi are all Unique to this species and carried out or performed in ways we would have never considered not only for a parasite but for any entity or species.  This has been the key to their success.  It is surmised that they were designed or engineered to function in outrageous and extreme ways. There’s clever method to this madness, clever enough to provide the Responsible species, the species who would have organized the unleashing of species #1, Here and after this species shall be referred to as the orchestrator species, with subtle but serious tactical advantages.  


1) make the life cycle and Behavioral traits of species number one So extreme. bizarre and outside the norm that no one would ever consider it. and if by chance someone did figure it out, that person may (a) not share His belief for fear ridicule due to the outrageous Aberrant and abnormal animal behavior on which he would base  his findings, or (b) at the very least This person would be reluctant to tell his theory to anyone But should he decide to tell someone he would need to be real selective about whom he chose to tell. Unfortunately the odds are high that the person or persons chosen to tell would seriously doubt him And suggest that he needed some rest and to take some time off and then start again.


(2) or if extremely brave people, like, Mary Leitao and her family WHO ARE OUR HERO’S AND INSPIRATION or tens of Thousands of brave people From around the world who were aware that they or a family member were suffering from Symptoms of an unknown infection. They travel to their doctor or other health care practitioner only to be told that there was No sign of an infection, that they were delusional or something even worse. 


Like Being Publicly subjected to the negligent opinion of some quack Practitioner who’s over-bloated and undeserved sense of self-importance, provided him the gall to Insinuate that a person who is doing the best she can to get help for her child, may suffer from Munchausen syndrome by proxy! Had that Practitioner been a little bit less full of himself and a little bit more willing to work he would have discovered, what we discovered. What we discovered Just based on the public record was the fact that the child was clearly suffering from infection by species #1


Eventually Mary Leitao, caring mother turned advocate when child supper the most n, otable advocate of  brave suffers, who risked their health, mental health and their reputations to serve as screaming Canaries in our global coal mine, decided to name these real symptoms that people were experiencing, as Morgellons.


Had all those health care Practitioners Been a little more diligent they would have discovered that those symptoms and especially any Finding of fibers are directly, solely and uniquely related to infection by species #1! 


Advantage #2   a person tells everyone who listened that they have these symptoms, but no one believed them and eventually called anyone who claims to have the symptoms delusional.


(3) being everywhere and in everything is another stroke of tactical genius. This is where most sane people draw the line and refuse to believe that anything could be everywhere at once. The more A person tries to prove that species #1 is everywhere at once, to others the crazier that person seems to be. These are the reasons and concepts which provided longevity to their 400 year hidden existence


We refuse to believe that we were the first in 400 years to discover these findings, we are sure that many came before us but Their voices were drowned out in their cry for help ignored.  We were just lucky that the technology needed to keep up with species #1 had become affordable and portable and the fact that we were confident that our Willingness to innovate would surely make up for our lack of a budget. 




Kaiser of Northern California charged the CDC, $650,000 to Conduct a study that failed to find a causative agent for Morgellons. We spent 48,000 of our own money and found not only the causative agent for Morgellons but the data demonstrates that Species #1 is also the sole causative agent responsible for the sudden collapse of honeybee colony’s worldwide. The data  further demonstrates that this species is responsible for the unexplained acceleration in the incidence of global warming, also the Data strongly indicates that this species is responsible for the inexplicable acceleration in the melting of the polar ice caps as well as being responsible for the acceleration of the melting Glaciers worldwide.






The data demonstrates that species #1 is an Ultra-organismic species and is vastly superior to terrestrial superorganisms. This species exhibits behavior unlike any Insect or animal species ever known to exist.


 Just consider the fact, that in the blink of Biological, physiological, genealogical and geological eyes, this species has quickly And Definitively, accomplished what no other species has been able to do since the beginning of time. And that is the dethroning of humankind. Armed with little more than cunning, stealth and a Sinister but brilliant plan, they managed to pull off a Quiet, covert, and bloodless coup d’etat. What was inconceivable Only yesterday Is today’s reality. And the sad truth is in this non terrestrial centered reality we are no longer the Masters of all we survey nor the brazen unequivocal stewards of this planet. This species and by proxy the orchestrator species have now assumed the mantle of Dominant Species and masters of all they survey. That is quite an amazing feat for a microscopic parasite.  Although our hubris,  state of denial and disregard for the small in mundane had some part to play in their victory. The fact that we were vanquished before we even knew there was a challenger let alone a battle says a lot about who we thought we were.


The data demonstrates that this species Utilizes some unknown form of mass communication. However It is achieved weather It be physiological, mechanical And or biological, it provides species number one with the remarkable ability to communicate complex instructions over a relatively and enormously vast distance.

As stated, this species operates and it provides species number one with the remarkable ability to communicate complex instructions over a relatively and enormously vast distance in the extreme. For example this species is not just feeding on us and other mammals in any expected parasitical manner.  The data demonstrates that the objective of this species is not to feed on us but to feed us and other mammals to the inconceivably large global population.


This is the only parasitical species ever known to exist where an overwhelming majority of its members are maintained in a myriad of ever changing, off host locations. It is surmised the species #1 off host/on host ratio is in the millions if not trillions to one.


The Data suggests that a significant portion of the species #1 population, go through their entire life cycle, without ever actually feeding on a host.  The data reveals that species #1 members are dedicated communal parents who share Reproduction and the rearing of offspring as co-dominating biological drives.  It is these endeavors or the pursuit thereof, which represent significant expenditures and utilization of their time and energy.

To that end, species #1 males are observed to devote significant portions to the acquisition, transportation, delivery and feeding of mammalian blood to its countless number of offspring, existing at a countless number of locations. 


The data demonstrates that species #1 adult male members fulfil the gargantuan nutritional needs of their offspring through their ability to covertly acquire enormous amounts of mammalian blood.  On mammals this covert acquisition process begins on day 1 with the construction of the infrastructure.  This includes the bore and excavation of pores, hair follicles, skin lines wrinkles, the placement of fibers and the furrowing out A series of cartwheel fountains. These cartwheels are in the shapes of A Pentagon or octagon and are excavated into the skin connected so as to share walls on all sides.  


At the center of each of the cartwheels,  are a deeply rooted Capillary fiber.  These capillary fibers have a twofold purpose, the 1st being to provide blood to the cartwheels should the excavations clot. The 2nd purpose being to serve as blood filling stations. The  Efficiency inherent To this configuration  significantly streamlines the blood acquisition process.


The cartwheels are placed primarily on the dorsal aspect of the hands, the head and arms.  As soon as the cartwheels are constructed eggs are laid and fertilized.  Immediately after fertilization the cartwheels are then sealed over with a skin colored film.   

The seal is applied by one of the hundreds of other species adult members, who are also in the process of sealing the entire body with the skin-colored film.  It is believed that this flexible but durable, hydroscopic, skin colored film is composed of dead skin cells rendered from the host and mixed with some unknown species created Secretion. 


Within 10 minutes of Fertilization the 1st of the stage 2 bright white hatchlings will begin to emerge.  Once the stage 2 bright white hatchlings emerge they immediately begin their 1st blood meal, after which the stage 2 bright white hatchlings almost immediately transform into beige stage 3 juveniles. This  transformation signals the stage 5 dark blue adult males to rotate these stage 3 tan or beige juveniles out of the cartwheel and shuttle them to a location with suitable exposure to emitted electromagnetic radiation.   It is at this location that the stage 3 beige Juveniles are fed their 2nd blood meal.


Upon completion of their 2nd blood meal these stage 3 tan or beige juveniles immediately begin their transformation into blue-green stage 4 preadults for the briefest of moments, for having been or are currently exposed to Electromagnetic radiation almost immediately initiates the stage 4 blue-green preadults maturation and sublimation emissions into gaseous blooms of stage 5 dark blue adult males and translucent adult females. It should be noted all of these reproduction and maturation processes from egg to stage 5 have been observed to occur in rapid succession with completion of the full cycle in less than a few minutes.


This exact same process is repeated continuously every minute of every day, at every hair follicle and pore, both of which have been and are constantly bored out and excavated so as to greatly increase their egg holding capacity.


At the same time, other species members are placing Thousands of capillary fibers all over the body. These capillary Fibers extend deep below the epidermis and are secured at the base with a large barb. These capillary fibers are segmented in such a way that any attempt at disodging them will cause a segment to break off in small almost Microscopic increments. Further these fibers demonstrate, by some unknown mechanism to regrow the missing segment or segments or subjected to a shave to regrow the entire fiber. Any Subcutaneous or below skin level attempt to dislodge These capillary fibers is met with Acutely painful resistance.   


These males acquire blood through the daily infliction of thousands of microscopic wounds, and the gouging out and excavation of Pores, hair follicles, wrinkles and lines in our skin and as stated the strategic placement of species created Capillary fibers.


The minute size of these wounds allows these wounds to be inflicted in such a way that they rarely breach the body’s pain threshold.  Through some unknown manipulation of our body defenses the continuously rotating presence of enormously massive, shift shaping, carnivorous, parasitic, scalable, microscopic and macroscopic (qausiscopic) species, engaged in continuous, non-stop wanton full body infections of all humankind, somehow goes entirely undetected by all but a relatively small handful of individuals.  


Most alarming was the discovery of the fact that this species proves to be impervious to all applications of prescription anti parasitic medication and consumer and/or commercial pest control products and all other means and methods of conceivable conventional efforts targeting its extermination and/or removal


From day 1 forward species #1 males are engaged in the taking what is calculated to be an average of 1/2 gallon of blood a day from every human on the planet and ¾ of a gallon a day from every other mammal, the continuous extraction of blood 24 hours a day, every day of the year from every mammal on the planet, that Equates to 8 and 1 quarter billion gallons of freed not even missed, blood Available for the undetected ambush and  taking in the atmosphere and on the landscape every day.   And there lies the evil Genius of the orchestrator species.

The lack of fur, thin skin, and busy lives make humans the ideal host for infection by species #1.  The species #1 adult males literally infect all aspects of the human body.  From the top of our head to the bottoms of our feet are saturated with species #1.  The human body is Continuously subjected to all the above listed species related activities as well as a myriad of yet to be detected Internal detrimental species #1 related activities.  It appears that one of the most important questions facing human kind is why are the human and non-human immune systems failing to detect the Internal or external pernicious presence of species #1 related activities????




The data further identified the fact that Species #1 is present on and emits from all surfaces including, trees, buildings, skyscrapers, bridges and other tall structures as mimicked atmospheric clouds. From sea level to approximately 100 feet up, this species is present as a thick iridescent fog like haze enveloping the planet and saturating the biosphere with inconceivably massive numbers  of ever-present, ever-changing, shape-shifting, quasiscopic roving swarms consisting of all 5 stages of Species #1 known life cycles. 

Further the data demonstrates that Every surface including and starting from the ground, streets, sidewalks, highways, freeways, people, and the surface of every other object in the biosphere is actively emitting species #1 adult males by themselves or ferrying Pregnant females, bright white Stage 2 hatchlings, or stage 3 blood fed tan juveniles who are either awaiting their second blood meal or fully fed stage 4 preadults In the process of achieving maturation and sublimating into emitted gas plumes of stage 5 dark blue adult males and translucent females. 


These emissions are taking place everywhere continuously in all aspects of the biosphere.


Further the data demonstrates that species #1 is endowed with a rapid and extremely high rate of reproduction, with no known natural predator or mechanical or chemical means of keeping is population in check.


The combination of these factors coupled with an almost 400 year covert existence, dictates the expectation that we should be witnessing inconceivably massive overwhelming populations of species #1 in the biosphere.  


This tragic result would also have extremely negative consequences for the successful continuation of the covert based agenda of The orchestrator species responsible for the unleashing of these non-terrestrial invaders.


The data demonstrates had this species entered the biosphere unchecked with no natural predator or mechanical or chemical check, this apparently indestructible, rapidly reproducing species would ultimately, within months of its arrival, have exploded in population, Eventually overwhelming the biosphere in massive visually detectable numbers. The species #1 population would have achieved numbers so Incredible that It would be necessary to increase by many Factors the number of species members needed to acquire blood from Mammalian skin to feed its Rapidly expanding number of off-host offspring.  This increase in severity of infection due to increased species #1 population would far exceed the threshold of detection by sensors on human Skin triggering full scale removal efforts.


As the population of this species continued to explode eventually it would be responsible for die offs, then the collapse and eventual death of the biosphere and all things living in it including, humankind.   


The fact that species number one Is discovered to exist as an almost entirely undetected covert but extremely active species.  Who appear to exist in relatively stable on and off host populations Is a very suspicious circumstance.  


The sum total of this data equates to 1 enormous question which begged to be answered. That question is where did all these inconceivably massive numbers of missing indestructible catastrophic bound actual and/or projected species #1 population members go?