Here at we are aware that, when it comes to non-terrestrials, everyone’s first impulse is to jump directly to doubt or utter disbelief.

We are also acutely aware that there are a lot of sketchy stories of Extremely hard to believe, non-terrestrial encounters. More often than not, these claims of encounters stretch the imagination, defy our sense of reason and challenge our belief in the decency of ceding the benefit of the doubt, to our neighbors, friends, and strangers.  But what’s even weirder than these tall non-terrestrial tales is the coincidental fact that invariably, all of these claims suffer from a fatal lack of verification, ensuring that these unbelievable stories, myths, or urban legends remain as they should, forever unbelievable.





It seems a lot of folks, are posting videos and talking about UFO’s these days. Even NASA, and respected high-ranking members of the Air Force, are all talking about non-terrestrial’s and posting videos of UFO sightings. Who would have thought that the government, after a storied 77-year history of firm denials and long suspected cover up’s, would now allow NASA the latitude to hold a press conference, where they openly admit, acknowledge and officially recognize the existence of UFO’S? Although any reversal to honesty in governmental policy is a welcomed change, the simple fact that all of this, is happening all at once, quite frankly, is enough to overwhelm, confound and confuse anyone.  

So, we won’t blame you if you have serious or absolute doubts concerning our claim and commitment to provide you with the truth about the existence of these non-terrestrials. Like most folks, you are probably still struggling to find a stable purchase and secure footing in the continually shifting sands of the ever-evolving non-terrestrial saga.   

As a matter of fact, we would understand if you mistook this site for one of those websites entirely bloated with false and misleading content all ripe with a slew of empty promises and paid opinions.  Unfortunately, the internet is chock-full of these misleading sites. The sad fact is the Proliferation of these sites effectively Reduces the browser space necessary for legitimate sites, such as this site, to take root and flourish. 

This site is uniquely formatted to compensate for (1) this lack of available browser space, (2) our inability to pay for sponsor placement. and (3) our effort to distinguish ourselves from those sites that promote misinformation in their Presentation of believable but factually misleading or entirely false content.  The Unique format of this site centers around The fact that we are the first and currently the only non-terrestrial website to offer


Coincidentally, we wouldn’t be shocked to learn that most folks  have already bailed on this site, way back in the midst of the first paragraph.  For those of you who remain, it is important to us that you know and understand who we are and what we are about before our content changes your life forever.  We completely empathize and identify with the need to be cautious. Caution is a good thing, and it should always be exercised online and especially when introduced to new and utterly strange information.  A good cautious rule of thumb would be not to trust anything claimed on the Internet, unless YOU CAN VERIFY THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER FOR YOURSELF.

This is why this site offers IMMEDIATELY VERIFIABLE CONTENT. This entire site is built on the concept of VERIFIABLE CONTENT. We provide instructions on how to VERIFY OUR CONTENT ON EVERY PAGE. This site was built by Caring and cautious people, for caring and cautious people. Once you verify our content and the existence of these non-terrestrials, we have faith that you will get the word out that this site is the ONLY SITE TO PROVIDE TRUE FACT DRIVEN VERIFIABLE NON-TERRESTRIAL content

A little over 4 years ago, like most of you today, we would have instantly doubted any claims of someone having discovered non terrestrials alive and active on this planet. Way back then, we were just as skeptical, doubtful and unconvinced about non terrestrials as you probably are today.  We would have instantly dismissed any online claims of Any website touting content depicting living non-terrestrials, existing in real life, on this planet.  The Skeptic in us would have forever delegated Such unbelievable claims to the realm of serious doubt, accompanied by the certainty that such claims would be just another impossible to verify internet hoax.

Well, that was 4 years ago. Since then, a lot has happened to pry our eyes open and radically change, not only our minds, but our paradigm, our sense of who we are, our view of the universe and our place in it. Basically, what we discovered has changed our lives forever.

Again, we would like to reassure you that every claim made on this site is real. We stake our reputations on the fact that this site is entirely DECEPTION-FREE and that other than magnification, none of the documented video footage has been doctored or altered in any way.  More importantly, we want you to know that we would never expect you, or anyone for that matter, to take our word on the fact that these non-terrestrials exist.  We simply want to provide you with the tools so that you can prove or disprove, verify or dispute the truth about the existence of these non-terrestrials. 

If you are satisfied with the verification, then we simply ask that you share your satisfaction and the knowledge you gained with as many people as you possibly can, and should they verify then we hope you will encourage them to do the same.

THIS SITE WILL INSTRUCT YOU ON SIMPLE METHODS AND TECHNIQUES, THAT WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH THE ABILITY TO PROVE OR DISPROVE EVERYTHING WE CLAIM TO KNOW ABOUT NON-TERRESTRIALS.  Please be assured that we harbor no hidden agendas, political favoritism, subliminal messages or ulterior motives. We are motivated and committed to spreading the truth. We do this in the hope of rallying humankind to unite as one people.  To accomplish this monumental task, we seek your help and the help of people everywhere, to convince everyone that they know to set aside any racial, cultural or historical differences they may have. Because with all due respect to these people and their beliefs, cultures, and religions, the fact remains as real, bitter, hurtful and tangible as these deep rooted, historical and highly emotional, these differences may be, these differences absolutely pale in comparison to the real and very imminent threat to the future existence of all humanity.
Because the truth is, and this site shall reveal, that these non-terrestrials are currently in the position and appear to have, the power and technology necessary to bring about a swift and defenseless end to humanity. The only chance we have to ensure our survival, is if we unite as one people with one purpose.  This one people one purpose, shall hone the focus and energy of all the people, from every corner of the world working together towards Identifying vulnerabilities, developing solutions and technologies, which will provide our children or grandchildren with the information, technology and ability to thwart, and hopefully rid this planet of this non terrestrial menace.  

Today humanity is the sleeping giant lost in the comforting slumber and prodigal dreams of bygone eras.  We need your help to wrest this formidable giant of humanity from its intoxicating slumber and it’s now invalid dream of indefinite and unchallenged reign as the apex predator.  Today We are challenged with the difficult task of bringing humanity face to face with the worrisome and sobering fact of our new reality. A reality in which we have been forcibly removed from our apex perch, and are now subjected to exist as trapped and dominated prey.  Tomorrow will need humanity’s brain trust to covertly become Dedicated students of these non -terrestrials. We must learn everything we can about their existence in the hope of identifying and amassing a wealth of knowledge devoted to the existence of kinks in their armor, a weakness and their being, design, or flaws in their execution. We need to do this study in the hope that future generations will develop technologies that will allow them to take what we have learned and use it to liberate humanity and this planet from the blood sucking grip of these non terrestrials.

These are our goals and a love for humanity is our motivation. Other than that we have no secret agenda contrived to waste your time.  

In truth, to accomplish our goals we are going to expose you to some, hard to believe, strange, insidious,   wholly detrimental, deadly, never before considered to be possible, impossible to believe creatures.  These Dangerously exotic creatures are equipped with other-world-level abilities unlike any ever seen or imagined. These highly aggressive creatures exist in incalculable numbers. They're engaged in assimilated occupation of not only all environmental spaces but also, literally on and in our bodies, in front of our eyes and right under our noses. These creatures are found in extremely saturated populations throughout all aspects of the biosphere and appear to be using some form of iridescent luminosity to conceal their presence.

It must seem that these bold declarations may sound similar to the exaggerations of snake oil salesmen of yore, or the ravings of delusional minds. But our claims survive in the enormously vast difference existing    between our fact driven declarations and those unverifiable claims made by snake oil salesmen, madmen, soothsayers, hustlers and con men.  That enormously vast difference can be found in the fact that our site Provides undeniable instant verification of our claims and links to governmental sites with verifiable content.

If you are eager to see examples, then there is hope for humankind.  We encourage anyone who feels the need to take a break to feel free to explore our site, but please remember that this site is still under construction and certain areas may appear incomplete.

Afterwards, if satisfied that we’re legit and/or if you are possibly intrigued to know how we acquired the hard-earned knowledge and life changing insight, Then feel free to learn more on the next page.

IWe now suffer from a sense of urgency in sharing this knowledge. We have grown deeply concerned that there are reputable folks of high esteem who are speculating in popular public forums and on segments aired on PBS, that they and others believe these non-terrestrials traveled across the vastness of space to arrive at our planet to share their technology under the auspices of spreading cheer and Goodwill.

These folks believe that the arrival of these non-terrestrials to be the achievement of some galactic philanthropic agenda. And as much as we wish that there was even an iota of data supporting the wonderful way these folks choose to believe, the tragic fact is the data lacks any aspect of philanthropic overtones and is negative of any sign’s indicative of cheer or Goodwill.

The fact is any signs of these non terrestrials being anything but hostile and detrimental to human life, are completely non-existent. The entire body of data provides the simple fact that these non-terrestrials traveled here motivated, guided and funded in pursuit of the same simple but diabolical concepts and are governed by the same megalomaniacal mindset, as those notoriously feared, unbelievably savage but entirely successful explorers who are undeservingly celebrated in the pages of our history books. 

The logical, greedy and or desperate prospects which inspired humanity’s misguided but intrepid explorers is sure to be found in equal measure to those which gave reason for these non-terrestrials to invest enormous resources and risk life, limb and Liberty to face the inherent dangers involved in Galactic travel.  

Using the history of humankind as an example or template, it is clear, that since time immemorial, the single, solitary and sole motivation for at-risk exploration by any known species, be it humankind or ant, has been undertaken in the prospect, hope and desire to achieve the accomplishment of a resource acquisition driven agenda.

The history of humankind is ripe with countless examples of such exploration based on acquisition driven agendas.  Each of these examples invariably demonstrate the horrendous price paid, should that desired resource be discovered in the possession, or under the stewardship, of native people or any people for that matter, who possess inferior technology, and or who demonstrate that they exist in a non aggressive culture.  The blood stained pages of our own history, provide, establish and illuminate, the litany of gruesome methods and horrid tactics employed by technologically advanced explorers And or civilizations, once they came into contact with resource rich, but wholly unsuspecting, technologically inferior Native peoples. The Reality is there was no limit to the Horrendous pain and suffering these explorers heaped upon their native brothers and sisters.  The truth is our famously celebrated explorers, unleashed foreign concepts of death and destruction upon these conquered, naïve and peaceful peoples. The fact is the cruel and callous manner and methods these explorers employed to kill, maim, mutilate, torture and subjugate these peaceful native peoples, was so egregious, evil And destructive, that even to this day, the Detrimental Reverberations of the now, centuries old damage that those explorers caused to the physical and mental health of those Native peoples and their collective psyche, gravely impinges upon, the Sociological health, and wellbeing, of the culture and communities, of these once proud, Enlightened and peaceful peoples,.  All in the effort to   accomplish the forced acquisition in dispossession of their desired resource.  If we pay heed to our own world history and take note of its endless examples of how those with power, needlessly, and without mercy vanquished those without power.  These examples should provide us with a blueprint depicting the possible outcomes resulting from our having come in contact with a highly advanced technologically superior civilization.  These invaders are clearly demonstrating that they are functioning under a resource acquisition agenda.  The data supports that there is one entity or species in control or responsible for the actions of the other five.  We have titled this entity the orchestrator species. As it stands now, it would seem that this orchestrator species is aware, that war, resistance, enslavement and the low morale of conquered and enslaved people are an expensive reality of the Economic cost of war. And that this Economic reality holds true, no matter how inferior the adversary may be, or how swift the victory may come. The ultimate result of any direct adversarial confrontation will result in a significant drain on all future profits.  

We submit that it is not any philanthropic mission which guides the actions or inactions of these invaders, but it is simply the respect for these Economic facts of war and the desire to maximize returns on investment, which Guides the orchestrator species actions including the decision to avoid direct confrontation with humankind for as long as possible.  These facts of war are the motivation for the deployment of covert measures to accomplish the undetected, uninterrupted wanton acquisition of our blood.  which the data Positively identifies as the desired resource sought by this Orchestrator species

This orchestrator species is covertly accomplishing its resource acquisition through its successful campaign of covert infiltration and extraction. This campaign includes the covert invasion, infestation and assimilated occupation of at the very least, all the planets major Urban populated areas, but most likely the entire globe by unleashing incalculable numbers of  its buffer species, of these microscopic, carnivorous, parasitic entities.  The data demonstrates that this infestation Not only infected a high percentage of the world’s population but also, And more importantly this invading infestation successively contaminated and is Actively in Continually infecting all of THE PLANETS  available fresh water, food and other Crops, livestock and other food stuffs.

Confident in its 400 year old undetected presence, this orchestrator species is now heavily engaged in the openly covert acquisition, and transportation of untold billions of gallons of our stolen blood to what is assumed to be its land deficient home planet or satellite planet, for the assumed purpose and use as a supplemental nutritional source to feed, what must be its burgeoning population.  

This orchestrator species is currently utilizing Covert means and measures to accomplish its acquisition but should they be discovered and we take any form of overt action, it would be foolish to believe that They will not respond in kind or that they would simply pack up and leave.

Again, the history of our kind has demonstrated over and over that we would not pack up and run in the face of inferior forces armed with nascent technology. Instead what we have done in a similar circumstance would be the use of necessary force, supported by a demonstration of the immediate availability of vastly Superior technology of a sufficient force to ensure a non-conditional surrender. 

These extraterrestrials are now in the covert phase which they are utilizing to pillage our planet of its biological resources.  Unfortunately, these non-terrestrials appear to have invested enormous resources in the theft of our blood and are poised to continue this wanton pillaging for the foreseeable future.

These non-terrestrials have secured their position through the covert accomplishment of insurmountable tactical advantages and objectives.

These tactical advantages arise from having achieved monumental objectives including but not limited to, the successful covert invasion of our planet, The successful covert occupation, the covert nonconsensual forced assimilation, and the highly successful global infection of all humanity by introduction of inconceivable numbers of its parasitic buffer species into the biosphere. It is assumed that the orchestrator species left nothing to chance. And that in an effort to ensure success, it is Surmised that the orchestrator species either genetically modified or genetically engineered all 5 of these other species or buffer species.

These genetic modifications and or the Genetic engineering would account for the uncanny abilities demonstrated by the buffer species in which, they not only survived but thrived in all aspects of all Attempts to affect their removal and/or destruction.

It is assumed That this orchestrator species genetically modified or engineered the buffer species to be virtually indestructible, extremely hard to detect and extremely clever carnivorous parasite.


There is ample proof to support the above claim.  We offer that proof and other indispensable knowledge to all.  We do this, as the poet John Donne so eloquently stated, because “we are involved with humankind”.

Yet after all this, by now we are completely sure that all this talk about the existence of non-terrestrials and the thought of stolen blood must certainly seem to you, as it would have once done to us, to be completely and utterly unbelievable or at the very least to be extremely and entirely farfetched.

And who can blame you?

Although Recent leaps in progress and technology has ushered in a new world.  A world of astonishing possibilities and infinite capacity to improve our lives.

The unfortunate flip side of these societal gains and personal benefits is the fact that these things have also rendered a world where you must take extra care, daily, not to be deceived.  

But the simple fact is we now live in a world of easily manufactured deception. A world where anyone, 10-years-old or older, equipped with a cell phone and a free app, can create something entirely fake, that looks more real than real. 

In this new world when we seek truthful insight from the news media, the sacred recipients and fiduciaries of our loyalty and branded trust, we are slammed by extraordinary emotionally high impact news.  The shock of this news moves us to act or leaves us frustrated and concerned. and we have grown extremely tired of having it later revealed that this report of emotionally upsetting, high impact news, was not just lacking in merit but was entirely contrived and designed to be utterly “fake news”. Even more disheartening is the discovery that this emotional roller coaster of “fake news” was created to make us function or react in a prescribed manner so as to fulfill some clandestine agenda intended to increase the social, political or financial wealth of its creators.

To make matters worse, this “fake news” fantasy or trick of fame, is delivered to us by those once trusted, venerable, and reliable stalwarts of the industry. The fact is our national news was historically held out to be the nation’s fount of integrity, honesty, truth, sincerity and compassion.   There was a time when we heard something on the news, we would be willing to bet the farm on the fact that every word of what we heard was true.

Unfortunately, through no fault of our own, the reality is ethical fact finding has become a relic of the past, replaced by journalistic compromise, and wanton pandering to the seduction of the dollar. These unethical concepts have become the rule of the day.  Our conventional news media and the news created by social media has chosen to blatantly squander our invested faith, brand loyalty and years of servitude.  The media apparatus including so called, social media and mainstream political Institutions have sold us out, leaving us muddled to discover the truth for ourselves.

So, we turn to the world wide web in search of truth, only to be swamped by a deluge of misleading pages of sponsored content and an array of countless sites, with each offering competing versions of their own truth, but not THE TRUTH. 

The discomfort of not knowing who to trust has rightfully caused us to trust no one.  As this distrust contaminates our way of life, the desire for isolation festers and our connection to our community becomes less and less viable. As we take shelter in the shadow of distrust, soon compassion gives way to cynicism, hope is replaced with doubt, basic camaraderie, family bonds and neighborly love is exchanged for a never-ending series of likes and daily re-postings of someone else's thoughts, of someone else's thought.

We connect by phone, text, email, FaceTime, Zoom and animated, winks, emojis, and waives but we forgo the sensation of incidental humane contact,  the caress of a welcomed warm embrace, the connection transmitted in the welcomed act of touching and of being touched by others, the  confidence instilled in the exchange of a firm handshake, a reaffirming look of encouragement, a supporting and encouraging pat on the back, and the gift of an inviting, enlightening and  reassuring smile.  

Absent continual direct contact with groups of family and friends prevents us from recalibrating who we are and our actual place in our community and society at large.

We struggle in attempts to reduce the infinite range of our expression of human emotions to coincide with a fixed set of emojis, and/or smiley through sad faces.

The sterility of group text messages or video chats has become the norm, sacrificing the comfort of good old-fashioned, get togethers and face-to-face conversations. These so-called innovations have left us hardened and misanthropic. 

We have grown callus, distant and disappointed as we come to the realization that the journalistic copy, editorial opinions, and philosophical culture of the news-political-social-media -digital-complex, are no longer based on providing the truth, but are now framed by the dollar or the attainment of more power. 

The sad truth is, often, the articles, stories and opinions of all forms of media are either severely slanted or are wholly absent of any facts at all.

Therefore, it should be little wonder that outright, well-earned skepticism has become the coin of the realm and exemplifier of our place in history.

This lapse of integrity will never happen here at We take scientific pride in the fact that we are the only verifiable Non terrestrial true-fact-driven site in existence.

Some of the features which sets us apart from all these other sources of non-terrestrial information is the fact that we have no hidden agenda, and we are only beholden to the truth. We have not taken any funds from anyone and owe no one anything other than an obligation to provide the truth.

We share the cost of this research among ourselves and would never accept funds from special interests or those wishing we would water down our message. We take journalistic pride in providing whole true facts and opinions, based solely on in-house research evidence.  Most importantly. The thing that truly sets us apart from other sites claiming to provide the truth about non-terrestrials, is the fact that our site is the only site to provide immediately verifiable non-terrestrial content.

We seek only to share and spread the true knowledge that our research, experience and due diligence has provided. Yet  to accomplish this, we need, ask and seek your help.

To that end we ask that you take a moment to draw from the sacred well of nostalgia and think back to that time, a time not so long ago, a time when you could count on people.  A time when a handshake held more promise than a contract,  A time when a person gave you their word or you gave them yours, it meant that both parties could rest assured that the thing promised would be done in the agreed upon manner, at the agreed upon time. 

Simple but virtuous concepts and principles.  It was these principles that gave meaning to our forefathers.  It was those basic concepts that helped birth, shape and forge this and other nations.

Yet, to the shame of all, these principles have fallen into disuse and the concepts all but wholly abandoned and lost to the folly of these techno-advanced times. Another related principle which unfortunately has suffered the same fate, is the once certain comforting reliability that came with knowing that a person is as good as their word.

This site is cut from the cloth of those principles and operates in a culture of those simple concepts.

Our simple motto is “say what you know and know what you say”.

It is in that spirit that we ask a courtesy consideration of you the viewer/reader.  We seek your agreement to a worthwhile swap.  We would like to offer you a simple trade. We ask you to agree to suspend your doubt or downright disbelief and forget all you ever heard about non-terrestrials. If you can do these things even for the briefest of moments and possibly clear your mind of expectations and allow yourself the opportunity to absorb completely new, utterly strange, fearful, mind blowing and life changing information.

Then, if this is possible for you to do, in return you have our word that this site will provide you not only with unadulterated truth, but we will also provide you with simple but accurate and inexpensive, means and methods that will enable you to not only verify our content, but we will also provide the opportunity for you to branch out and explore on your own, to seek out new discoveries for yourself and hopefully for the advancement of humankind.  We offer you the chance to research, investigate and learn all that you can about this non-terrestrial invasion and their assimilated occupation of our planet and ourselves.

We seek your help because we believe that given our limited resources, we have garnered all the knowledge possible, considering that we are operating on a nonexistent budget and utilizing scant equipment.

What little we know was discovered by use of an apple pro max 13, a galaxy S23 Ultra, a couple of tomlove microscopes an inexpensive pair of night vision binoculars, and a bevy of simple Easy to construct self-designed instruments, coupled with good old fashion ingenuity, supported by powers of close observation, dedicated study and a sometimes obsessive attention to detail.

Our limited resources and lack of a true lab and substantial lab equipment, gives cause to believe that we have only scratched the surface of this malignant non-terrestrial phenomena.

Our gift to you is the opportunity for you to discover so much more. It is our sincere hope that one of you will be the first to discover a verifiable method or means to communicate with these non terrestrials and convince them to stop the invading assimilation of our bodies. If not then Hopefully one of you may Discover a means and or method to repel, filter, and or eradicate these non-terrestrials and forever be remembered for your service to humankind.

If given a chance this website is set to become your guide on a journey of truth and life changing discovery. But once we open your eyes to the path, the extent and direction of your journey and your road to discovery will be up to you.

We at this site are fully aware that this path of discovery and truth is not for everyone.  We acknowledge and respect the fact that there are those folks who are comfortable and secure in their lives and their world view.  It is no wonder that these folks would wish to maintain their concept of the world that they built and exists in for as long as time permits.  We would like those people and all people around the world to know that we wish them the best in life. 

But we also strongly urge that those who are among that satisfied population to please leave this site now, in order to preserve your world view!  Because the unfortunate side of truth is it can reveal ugly, sinister, shocking, frightening and dangerous facts. Unfortunately, this is the side of truth that these invaders have wrought, and this site will expose.

In exchange for your open mind, this site will instruct you as to simple methods, means and techniques necessary for you to explore the secret partially hidden lives of these non-terrestrials and the sinister way in which they have totally terraformed our bodies and our world.

This site will provide you with  the knowledge and information necessary for you to build tools or utilize objects needed to lift the iridescent veil which these non-terrestrials use to obscure and mask their insidious and ubiquitous presence. We will also expose the diabolically simple and openly obvious means and methods these non-terrestrials utilize to disguise the colossal presence of Visible and easy to detect macroscopic Congregations populated with millions upon millions of Non terrestrial members. We will reveal the fact that these colossal congregations of millions of macroscopic members can be observed to be openly engaged in all aspects of their life cycle and other non-terrestrial species related activities. This site will expose how almost 400 years of pulling the wool over our eyes has caused these non-terrestrials to become bold and brazen.

This site will expose how the non-terrestrials now flaunt their feebly disguised existence, out in the open and in plain sight of all humanity. In doing so we will bring you face to face with these non-terrestrial invaders and reveal their detrimental agenda.

We will expose the truth about their purpose.  A truth so powerfully frightening that it will forever change the way that you view, not only our world, but our place in it and its place in the universe.  We will provide you with the knowledge and experience necessary to verify or refute the research data and by extension verify or disprove the existence of this strange and most likely deadly carnivorous non-terrestrial parasite. But be warned once the veil has been lifted there is no going back.

You will be immediately immersed in a new non-terrestrials centered reality.  We will guide you to the path and equip you for this eye-opening journey.  Beyond that it is up to each of you to decide if you are mentally prepared to become responsibly aware of a negative shift in paradigm. This negative shift was created by the emergence of this non-terrestrial centered reality. Behind the veil lies the ghastly transformed real, terraformed world and the hidden way they have gravely terraformed our bodies. Your journey will promptly bring you to the 1st and most important truth, which is we now live in a non-terrestrial simulated matrix in which absolutely NOTHING IS HOW IT APPEARS!

The reality is for the first time in the known history of our kind, we have been subjugated and forced to accept a negative paradigm shift. Humankind has had a remarkable run of positive paradigm shifts. The wheel, the ability to control fire, the advent of religion, the printing press, Newton's laws, Einstein's theory of relativity, The discovery of electricity, the automobile, controlled flight, quantum physics and space travel were all enlightening positive paradigm shifts.

These positive shifts all served the advancement and betterment of our kind. But sadly, what we are now experiencing for the first time in our known history, is a forced negative paradigm shift.  This negative shift arises from the fact that the true reality is we now exist in a non-terrestrial centered world, as well as the fact that these invaders are now the dominant species on this planet and have replaced us as the masters of all we survey. 

It is our hope to affix 8 billion pairs of eyes on this non-terrestrial menace, each of them searching for a means, method and opportunity to convince these non terrestrials To stop infecting Humankind, and/or to repel or destroy these sinister non-terrestrials and forever reverse this negative trend.  And in the process restore our rightful status as the undisputed stewards of this, our planet and masters of our destiny.

In accomplishing this it is hoped that we will all appreciate our planet more and cherish it for the treasure it is.

Here at our role is to instruct and lead you to the start of this twisted path, the rest is up to you. You can dive in, tiptoe in or stay out. We admit that the planet has a need for everyone to dive in but none the less, the choice is yours to make.

This site is launched with the hope to convince you of the extreme nature of our peril and the need for you to join our fight to right the wrongs that are being covertly inflicted upon us.

Be warned that at first glance the situation will appear as it currently is, which is dire and possibly hopeless.  But you can rest assured that this gloomy prognosis can be attributed to the fact that these invaders enjoy an almost 400-year covert lead on us. 

So please do not be discouraged by appearances. Instead, we hope you join us in the faith that the human spirit will encourage all of us not to take this degradation lying down, because these non terrestrials have left us with no choice but to get up and meet this challenge together as one people, armed with the greatest weapon ever created, our human ingenuity. 

It is up to us to show these invaders that we are an extremely clever species and even though we were inconceivably slow to catch on, we are fast learners and will catch up quickly.  It is worth noting that an extremely large measure of the success achieved by these non-terrestrials can be attributed to the fact that they were able to maintain an incredibly lengthy covert existence and undetected predation.

But now that we are aware of their secret existence, the cornucopia of advantages inherent to their prolonged covert existence are no longer valid. This knowledge now provides us with our first advantage, the element of surprise. The fact that we are aware of the malignant presence of These non terrestrial species provides us the opportunity to covertly study every aspect of these invaders. Providing us with the hope, of covertly devising effective means, measures and or methods to remove, filter, repel and or eradicate these invaders.  We need to hone the wrath and intellect of 8 billion angry people, and focus it on the removal, destruction and/or eradication of species #1. At the same time, we must actively pursue the development of open lines or means of Diplomatic communication with the Orchestrator species. Our hope for future generations depends on our developing a successful dialogue with the orchestrator species centered around convincing them to cease their predation of human kind.  These are perilous and delicate times and our approach to the orchestrator species must be very diplomatic because the last thing we will want from the orchestrator species is the unleashing of superior retribution or for them to pull out And leave us to the mercy of these Microscopic indestructible carnivorous rapid producing, parasitic entities Who if left unchecked, would overwhelm the biosphere in a matter of months.

It is important that we remember that these invaders have superior technologies.  We believe that measured Covert actions of a United people, are our last hope for the restoration of humanity. There is nowhere else to turn to for help, We must figure this out on our own. All hope lies with us.  . 

Governments have their place, but there are some things that governments are not structured to handle. Governments and the United Nations are structured to exist on a world stage.

An arena designed to amplify, exalt and exploit our differences, but these factors are detrimentally opposite, of what is required to address global issues with an all-people voice and therefore they are obsolete and incapable of being an effective presence on a galactic or universal stage. 

In those planetary arenas it is necessary that a new system be created and governed by those willing to assert, embrace and believe in an All-people-earth-first philosophy. These representatives would need to represent all the people of the planet and should be chosen by the people from among those people who have demonstrated that they are Committed to a Unified Planet and a unified people. These representatives would need to be prepared to address or defend with one voice our right to maintain our global or planetary sovereignty and our right as a people to exist unmolested, unassimilated and free to chart our own course through the future.

These things are beyond the purview of governments. The fact is the success of the covert invasion, assimilated occupation and the creation of this non-terrestrial centered reality, became possible and was able to thrive because for almost 400 years, governments have failed to inform the people, failed to unite as one, and failed to come together to find a solution to counter the non-terrestrial invasion or to thwart the non-terrestrial assimilated occupation of their populace. Yet during this same almost 400 year period all governments created ways to wage wars pitting the Precious lives of their young humans against the Precious lives of other young humans.

This affinity for, And addiction to war, this stark failure to inform, unite or even act, is indicative of the fact that governments are simply incapable of seeing past their borders and are destined to remain trapped in their insular dogma. 

We, the people from all over the planet, from all walks of life, now and for the foreseeable future, share a common but extremely advanced and highly sophisticated enemy. This enemy is a real detrimental threat to all people everywhere. This enemy is not attacking governments, but it is Indiscriminately attacking, wounding and killing people and it is at this very moment, causing countless deaths, illnesses and the Needless suffering of people all around the globe. 

It will take all the people of the world working together to discover a means to repel these non-terrestrials and take back our bodies and our planet.

To do that we must find ways to communicate with each other by any means necessary! This would include going through, around and outside of our governments if so required.  If we come together as a people and work as a united force, considering our history, this would be the last thing the non-terrestrials would ever expect.

Unity is our only hope and would be our secret weapon. Together we will find and launch a workable solution to reverse the negative effects of this assimilated occupation.

Again, we warn that what you are about to discover will be equally unsettling and utterly worrisome. Yet we must stress that you remember the fact that newly discovered does not equate to newly arrived. Using Morgellons as a reliable metric, the data supports the fact that our unveiling of this crisis has been almost 400 years in the making.

So, it is important that you understand that there is no reason to panic. There is no reason to rush to your doctors or overwhelm hospitals. You are as healthy today as you were yesterday and the day before and the day before that and so on. So please leave those doctor's offices and hospital waiting rooms for those who are truly sick.

Nor is there any advantage in rushing to the supermarket and buying all the water, toilet paper or other end of the world supplies. This will only overwhelm the supply chain and cram your house with items you don't need and more importantly it will cause others to go without items they do need.  And please do not protest your government, not only because it would be counterproductive and divisive but It will consume your time and energy at a time when your planet and the future of mankind is in dire need of your undivided attention to remain focused on searching for solutions.

The fact is whatever was done or was not done to get us here, Will not change the fact that we are here. Our Actions, thoughts, hopes and dreams, should all be focused on freeing ourselves from this  occupation..  We are the worlds only hope of building a better tomorrow for our Children and grandchildren.

Please keep in mind that every world leader inherited this 400-year-old problem.  The fact is this problem predates the founding of this country and the founding of the ruling party or regimes in all other countries. We are not addressing what governments knew or did not know, because we have very little knowledge on  that subject. And right now our focus is on the future. If we can secure a future then there will be plenty of time to discuss the past. Including what your governments did once they became aware of the non-terrestrials.

the truth is Governmental reaction was not a subject of our research and therefore, we have little information on the subject. But it should be noted that had a government announced this information regarding non-terrestrial invasion and assimilated occupation, without also announcing a solution, such an announcement would surely have been wrought with negative consequences.

Not only would such an announcement be a death nail to any chance of that leader ever being re-elected or staying in power but any announcement of this sort without a solution by government officials would surely have caused widespread panic, and possibly rioting and looting.

To be fair absent aggravating circumstances such as immoral or unethical acts committed by government officials, governments should not be judged on what they were simply aware of in the past, but how they will work with other governments to handle this non-terrestrial presence from this day forward.

Engaging in any negative activity mentioned above would only create unnecessary havoc and chaos. These Acts of civil Disobedience would only serve to disrupt our political, health and supply systems and they could possibly tip the non-terrestrials of the fact that we have become aware. The only other result any of the above acts would achieve would be to ultimately bring harm to our fellow brothers and sisters in arms.

Also, it is important that you understand everything is contaminated equally. There are no better products or services.

Yes, it would be extremely difficult to find a clean or sterile object, or any object not contaminated by non-terrestrials. Yet this difficulty has existed for 400 years and somehow, we've made it this far. So please hone your energy on trying to solve this problem, refrain from pointing fingers or apportioning blame. 

If you feel the need to blame someone or to have someone to point fingers at then, we must all point fingers at ourselves, because we are all affected equally, and we all are guilty of falling asleep at the wheel.

Or if we must find blame then we can blame our 400-year-old ancestor, because maybe these non-terrestrials could have been stopped easily when they first arrived.  But as it stands now it is going to be an arduous and tedious Most likely multi generational  endeavor because these non-terrestrials are truly everywhere all at once. This would include being in all fresh water, bottled or tap water and in all food stuffs, livestock and poultry and sadly they are found in all internal aspects of our bodies!

So please carry on as usual. Look for solutions, not arguments. And please respect all of humanity by treating others as you wish to be treated.  These non-terrestrials depend on our superficial differences, petty squabbles and ancient rivalries to prevent us from uniting, stepping up and challenging their menace as one people.  The simple fact is our only chance of defeating this global scourge is if all the people of the world unite.

Failure to do so will only work to the benefit of the non-terrestrial bloodthirsty agenda and afford them another of their many tactical advantages. The last thing we would want to do is add the ability to divide and conquer us to their remarkable roster of abilities!

It is our hope that your journey be fruitful and that you are aware and will keep in mind that these words, thoughts and information were written in the spirit of respect, compassion and a love for all people, everywhere.  It is our sincere hope that you accept these humble words and thoughts in the same spirit as they were written and that you maintain that spirit when you pass this information on.

Respectfully and humbly submitted,

Believer Advocate.